More cats!!

Jun 12, 2009 15:32

I am sure you are thinking 'not more f'in cats, purlease!' well tough titty, here are my ickle babies.

The first time they discovered the washing machine.

Tallula being a devil, she has a thing for bins, she tipped this one over pulled out all the rubbish and then climbed in like it was her own private place.

I decided to sort out my Dvds (as I have quite a few) and got my new boxes out ready, did I have a chance to put anything in them no....,, as u can see in the following pics.

This afternoon when I got up(was on night shift last night) I let them into my room and managed to get a pic of Tallulas circus skills, which she learnt off Ollie.

The only way down is to jump!!

That is all for now. Feeling on a picture frenzy.

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cats, pictures, via ljapp

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