Earlier today I thought I farted and I pooped a little.

May 13, 2007 23:09

This entry being posted at this particular time is more or less for Sean. He leaves tomorrow. I am neglecting my English paper that is due on the 16th just so that Sean can have one final glimpse into my life before he jets off to Europe for five weeks (What an unlucky asshole, right ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

sillygina May 15 2007, 02:26:45 UTC
hahahah as i was reading this, sweet muffins literally made my l-o-l.

ohhhh my.



shutuptaylor May 15 2007, 14:55:20 UTC
I love you, Beanuh! :)


anonymous May 15 2007, 14:53:11 UTC
thank you for being the best roommate ever; i had a GREAT birthday :D



shutuptaylor May 15 2007, 14:56:04 UTC
To be read in an English accent:

Darling, I love you and I am happy that you had a wonderful birthday. You are lovely. Really, you are.


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