Er... erm.... YES!! =X But not this year, probably end of next year. Unless I strike it RICH RICH RICH!! XD
Oh yeahhh... Imagine a sunlight school A.... OMFG. *nosebleeds like a mad woman* If I EVER EVER get the sparecash... I'd really custom one. hahahahaaha... In my dreams. D:
better start buying tickets if you want to win the lottery XD i also want to do another FCS.. maybe sd10 one.. but i looked at the optional heads and you know... there's no one i really want to own... except for my boys whom i already have of course ^__^ tho i have to say there are quite a few more msd optional heads i like O:
i'd love to get maybe snow skin schA for Tolen's future uke. that would be nice skin tone comparison to have *cough*
wah you're going to do fcs?? which head?? tell me! XD *curious curious* sunlight sch a sounds... *__*; i'd love it if they came out with a snowskin sch a though, omg.
Comments 9
hee and u're such a SchA fan - I feel myself being converted just by skimming through ur answers... scary sia!
Yes!! D: SCHOOL A HEAD. Converted?! XD Wahaahaaha~ Join me in a SchA dominated world! *dies*
I'd definitely consider getting a Sch A once I figure out how to use online shopping services for Y!J...
Sunlight School A. *slurp* oh man.... *___*
Oh yeahhh... Imagine a sunlight school A.... OMFG. *nosebleeds like a mad woman* If I EVER EVER get the sparecash... I'd really custom one. hahahahaaha... In my dreams. D:
i also want to do another FCS.. maybe sd10 one.. but i looked at the optional heads and you know... there's no one i really want to own... except for my boys whom i already have of course ^__^
tho i have to say there are quite a few more msd optional heads i like O:
i'd love to get maybe snow skin schA for Tolen's future uke. that would be nice skin tone comparison to have *cough*
sunlight sch a sounds... *__*; i'd love it if they came out with a snowskin sch a though, omg.
Eh, they had you know .__. OOAK ones for auction during dolpas. I've seen/heard 1 or 2 of them. :|
yeah i know, i just saw one on y!j recently. but whoaaaaaaaah... very ex leh!
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