Taken from
1. firstly, your handle, age, gender.
---> Shuui, 23 D:, female
2. when/how did you learn how to sew?
----> I picked it up myself due to cosplay reasons when I was.. erm.. 18 I think.
I learned by cutting up my old clothes. :D BWAHAHAHAH.
3. which are the dolls that you own?
----> Half a luts Chiwoo, 1 SD13 boy, 1 MSD girl
4. how long have you been sewing for your dolls?
----> Since my Chiwoo first step foot in Singapore ._. Late 2004.
5. how much of your doll's clothes are home made? (excluding wigs and shoes)
----> Hmmm... About 75% I guess?
6. do you hand make anything else for your dolls?
----> A bit of accessories. Like belts, necklaces? D: Hats?
7. are you a seller of bjd clothes?
----> Yep ._.
8. what made you start sewing for dolls?
----> Lack of money. I'm really a very very poor person =_=
9. tools of the trade?
----> A singer sewing machine older than I am, a Brother serger I purchased last year, my trusty sewing box! :D
10. which types of clothes have you made so far?
----> Yukata, sweaters, Cheena pok clothing, jackets, shirts, pants, punk stuff, jumper, a dress =_=, etc
11. what are your favourite types of clothing to sew?
----> D: Anything that is straight. Maybe Yukata. Wahahaha!
12. any part of sewing that you find rather painful?
----> Attaching freaking collars and cuffs!!!
12. what materials do you like working with?
----> Cotton twill? Anything other than Velveteen.
13. and what do you dislike working with?
----> VELVETEEN!!! *major disgust*
14. do you multitask while sewing?
----> Yes I do. :D I sometimes run off to make lunch or hang laundry to dry.
15. any special part of sewing you always pay special attention to?
----> Trying to sew the seams as nicely as possible ._.
16. any pet peeves about doll clothes (in general)?
----> Way too small sometimes =_=
17. any silly mistakes you always make?
----> I don't think so, not really ._. I usually don't care? XD
18. any special tricks/ shortcuts you would like to share? (to save time, or something where results>>effort)
----> As long as it looks good outside and doesn't come apart, JUST HECK CARE LAH!!!!! XDDDD
19. how do you usually work? (a rough outline)
1) Sketch out what the clothes is supposed to look like
2) Trace basic pattern on cloth and modify
3) Cut cloth
4) Serge
5) Sew + mumbling curses
6) Model to check for fitting + grin madly and procrastinate a bit
7) Tie up loose ends
8) Iron
20. what do you do IF you don’t know how to go about sewing what you want? (eg. When making cosplay clothes)
----> Trial and error. Oh yeah! The internet search engine is REALLY your BEST FRIEND.
21. what is your "threshold" before you have to unpick something and re-sew it?
----> Seams going very VERY wrong
22. what is your opinion on serged seams?
----> It is very neat and won't start shagging thread on me. D:
23. what is your opinion on bound seams?
----> ......What?
24. what is your opinion on lining?
----> It gives a very finished look, but not necessary I guess.
25. what is your opinion on hand finishing?
----> For something so small, you might have to hand finish. Albeit my stitches being crazily crooked.
26. what is your opinion on embellishments?
----> It makes something dull looks GOOD.
27. what is your opinion on trimmings?
----> Same answer as above.
28. tell us about your most gruelling experience making doll clothes ever.
----> Try sewing 5.5 outfits in 10 days. (Actually it's less than that, considering I had to do some other stuff)
29. tell us about your most cheaterbug experience making doll clothes.
----> Cutting 2 pieces of cloth, sewed at the shoulder and side, and proclaimed a tanktop for naoya. D:
30. tell us about your most proud piece of work yet!
31. share with us a bit of your to-sew list!
----> Cosplay for the dolls, dress for Aoi, more pants? ._. some casual stuff for the boys.
32. anything you would secretly like to try making, although it's not your doll(s)'s style?
----> Hmmmm.... A full kimono? ._. HAH!!
33. any type of clothes that (secretly) offend you?
----> Not really. Maybe bondagey leather stuff?
34. any type of clothes you have a not-so-secret soft spot for?
----> Japanese stuff =_= Totally! Gi and Hakamas rule my world. Oh yes, and jackets/trenchies!
35. something random about you and sewing!
----> Once I start, I can't stop until it's finished. D: Wahahaha!
36. do you prefer doll-sized clothes to human-sized clothes?
----> Yes actually. They use lesser materials and a shorter time to make.
37. any mottos, guidelines, beliefs, or rules you have with regard to sewing for dolls?
----> As long as it looks good outside, who cares about how it looks inside!!
38. any words for your dolls who wear the fruits of your hard labour?
39. any words for those who want to learn sewing for the sake of their dolls?
----> It's really fun and easy to pick up! You might discover a hidden talent! XD
40. lastly, a comment to end it off! thank you!
----> I'm nuts. XD