Your Name: Crystal is my name lmaooooooo.
Age: 22
Messager: MSN, with the previously stated e-mail.
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Arcana: Tower
Time Period: 2012
Name: Kieran Sforza
Gender: Male
Blood Type: AB
Birthday ☆ Sign: September 4th, Virgo
Age: Seventeen
Occupation/Grade: Sophomore ( was held back a year in Junior High due to some fist fights, grades, and misunderstandings ), Part-time waiter.
Room: ☆ 306 ☆
PB: Akira from Togainu no Chi
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Appearance: Standing at 5'7", Kieran is lean and physically fit compared to teenagers his age, while certainly not looking like a hulking beast. Even before working part-time at the gym, he always took some interest in weight-lifting and running in his free time, which has kept him healthy, along with the eating habits that were instilled in him through his mother. Thanks to that, Kieran certainly isn't hard on the eyes. Kieran's hair is short and wispy, a dull hazelnut color that looks nearly silver and he also has hard blue eyes. While Kieran is fairly attractive, his attitude and the look he generally expresses it keeps a lot of people at bay. His eyes rarely give off a warm feeling, and his look is either that of being critical, bored, or agitated. On the rare occasion when Kieran's spirits are up ( and when no one is looking--pfft ), he does have a pretty modest smile. But usually his expression is that of a blank slate.
As for his apparel, Kieran wears his uniform a bit old fashioned since that's how his mother wanted him to dress in it and he just kind of went with it listlessly. He wears plain, dark dress pants with a plain white button up, and usually always wears the uniform's vest year round. The tie is the only thing he's still having difficulties getting used to, but its slowly growing on him and he wears it regardless. As for his personal wear, he generally wears graphic tees from different brand names, and he's rather partial to jeans. He doesn't wear anything super tight, but everything fits appropriately and he absolutely detests baggy clothing. The majority of his clothing is overpriced brand named apparel, because if he ever wore something from Walmart around his mom, she'd have a heart attack. If he's out and about, he always wears the biker coat his dad bought him for his birthday. Its got sentimental value to him, and well its all and all awesome to him, so he just wears it constantly. Beyond that, he's got a pair of loafers for his school uniform, and then tennis shoes for everything else. Keep in mind that he's also got himself a pair of cleats and a uniform in outerwear for the soccer team he plays with. It's not something involved with Adessi Hall, as its an organized club team, but nonetheless he finds time to get to the games and practices as his mother urges him to.
Beyond the things he wears often enough to have in the dorm, he pretty much has access to whatever he needs. Be it if he needs a suit for a dance or dinner or something, or anything else. If its just not something he wears regularly, it's usually at his mother's estate or he gets it himself.
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Personality: Independant ★ Skeptical ★ Shy ★ Practical ★ Quiet ★ Reprehensible ★ Apathetic ★ Conflicted ★ Introvert ★ Athletic
► Kieran has an overabundance of apathy, and that's no news to anyone. This boy can barely be bothered with showing much interest or enthusiasm in anything, so he simply doesn't. At times, his stoic behavior tends to put off a lot of his peers, and makes him come off as cold. While he isn't needlessly cruel or rude, he does keep to himself and sometimes elects to give people the cold shoulder. The only good thing to come out of his aloof demeanor is that he isn't much of a talker, so if he's being annoyed, it usually shows through his tone or the expression on his face. Kieran isn't the type to blow up and yell at someone. All of those frustrations simmer under the surface, where they're just waiting to bubble out. At his worst he's been known to get a little bitchy and snap at people if he's annoyed nonstop, but usually he just glowers. This isn't to say that Kieran is annoyed by every little thing. It's actually only certain things that get under his skin and make him like that. Usually he's content with just quietly lounging about and keeping to himself.
► Since he doesn't have a lot to say, he spends a lot of time thinking to himself. There's usually always at least some scenario or situation going through his head. Yet, despite this, he never gives off much of a daydreaming vibe. Usually he looks as though he is concentrating on something or another, so if at anything, he at least looks smart. Yet he's not an ace student, seeing as how he's failed classes before in Junior High, but when he puts his mind to it, he can definitely achieve some excellent results. Its all a matter of motivation and engagement for him. Since he usually doesn't really care much about anything, his grades end up fairly average, even when his studies are evident. However, keep in mind that there are things out there he does care about. And if he's emotionally invested in it enough, its going to show one way or another. Many people have made the mistake in thinking that Kieran is a pushover due to how quiet and introverted he is. However he doesn't take personal threats very well. Sure, Kieran might be quiet guy, but if he feels at all threatened he will stand up for himself. And when someone makes a jab at him, he's likely to lose his cool and send a fist flying. At least, this was the main issue that hindered Kieran back in Junior High and led to him getting held back a grade. When his parents divorced years ago, getting into pidly fist fights had become the only thing he could count on. Now the notion has almost struck him as a habit, and that is a terrible habit to have. Talking something out with his instigator isn't really an option for him. Nowadays he tries to at least deal with an insult here or there without losing it.
► Kieran has always been a shy kid, and never really had the knowhow of expressing himself. This problem only intensified after his mother and father went through a rather taxing divorce. The situation came entirely out of no where for Kieran, and while it'd have been something to cope with, neither of his parents seemed to have the time or concern at the time to talk it out with him. It didn't help that when he did try to talk to his mom or dad about it, it was regarded as a pain or inconvienent and brushed off. Granted his family was going through their own troubles, but this whole situation left quite a few visible psychological impacts on Kieran. To start with, his ability to express himself is nearly nonexistant, thus he opts out of most social interactions. When he is forced to say something, he often fumbles over his words and what he means to say is sometimes lost in translation. He can't seem to articulate the words and meanings he'd like, and since he'd prefer to keep to himself, he doesn't get the much needed practice to get over this. Also, due to being ignored and brushed aside by his family, Kieran seems to think he's being difficult if he wants someones attention or affection. With that comes a healthy helping of thinking that any expectations put in him aren't going to be met, and that he's undeserving of praise. Though perhaps the most crippling aspect to stem from this divorce is the fact that Kieran very nearly trusts no one. When it comes to any personal relationship, be it romantic or not, Kieran places very little trust in said person. He compares any relationship he has to his parent's, and is always looking for any potential reasons for it to fall apart. Sometimes when he can't seem to find any reasons for the person to disappear, he still doesn't believe that the relationship will succeed since change seems to come out of no where for him. Also his mother has portrayed so many bad qualities as of late, he seems to think that everyone else in the world has ulterior motives. Surely if someone were to really have genuinely have interest in him, it's due to the clothes he wears and the money his family possesses, or perhaps his looks, or even maybe just to make fun with his feelings. All together, his family has done a great job of warping his sense of self and others, and getting him to understand that not everyone is the way his brain has been programmed to think can be difficult to remedy.
► One of the few things Kieran tries to keep under wraps are his personal feelings. Usually he doesn't completely understand them himself, so he doesn't really like broadcasting what he doesn't fully understand. Kieran is very shy when he does have to deal with having a crush on someone, or worse, people flirting with him. He will attempt to avoid acknowledging it completely because its just easier that way. When it comes to romance, well... He's dated in the past, but no one has ever really stuck with him since he can't seem to accept them fully. What's worse is that he doesn't really understand his own sexuality, either. With girls, he seems much more inclined to believe that they are just using him for status or gifts. Kieran has liked cute and modest girls that aren't high maintenance and are easy to protect. However, he's had run-ins with guys he's liked before, too. That situation on its own seemed taboo and embarrassing to deal with, so he tries not to dwell on it. Ultimately, even when he did somehow manage to get roped into a relationship with someone, his attitude towards them put them off. He hasn't had to deal with any romantic relationships since coming to Adessi Hall last year, and honestly prefers it that way. When he's got feelings to complicate school life, he just gets stressed out. So far there have been girls here and there seemed to show some interest in him, but nothing had yet to really spark for him due to his busy schedule and lack of interest. Plus, if the girl or guy interested in Kieran isn't pushy about getting into a relationship, it probably never will happen. He's not the type to instigate something like that, even if he did harbor some feelings for the person in question.
► There's a tough barrier to break through for you to become friends with someone like Kieran. Not only do you have to be someone who doesn't grate his nerves, you have to deal with his shitty insecurities. When the whole friendship relationship is starting to bud, Kieran will usually treat the person like they are a making some kind of mistake. Or that he doesn't have whatever they are looking for out of a friend. However if they can somehow manage to stick with him long enough, he will warm up to the person eventually. He'll always have that professional and silent air to him, but at least he will look forward to spending time with the person, and talk to them about anything. Not only that, but if he can actually trust a person, he's going to stay loyal at their side for as long as they will let him. Kieran would stand up for that person if someone insulted them, he'd attempt to help them with any problems or even studies, and he's definitely going to want to be around them frequently. Just because he's quiet doesn't mean he hates being around people. If those perks aren't enough... Well, Kieran's a pretty prime target for teasing and bugging if you like the reactions he gives you.
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History: Kieran comes from a family that has had to go through the complications of a divorce. Up until he was about thirteen, he lived with his father and his mother, Miles and Rebecca. There were a lot of things that led up to the split, but it seemed that the main cause revolved around money. Kieran's mother comes from a high class family, his grandparents were simply rolling in the dough, so to speak. Kieran's father is an honest, hard-working man who works hard labor and long hours. While the money had been an issue, their love for each other was also straining, but these issues were kept secret from Kieran for the years that it tok to lead to the break up. Thus, that was a tough year for Kieran, since it seemed at though this divorce came out of no where. He didn't really have a favorite parent, and didn't really understand why they were splitting up. The fight for custody wasn't much of a battle, since his mother's side of the family had the time and money required to raise a kid... Whereas his dad might have some money to be sufficient, but rarely be home to raise him. In the end, Kieran ended up living with his mother and his grand parents, which was definitely a life of luxury. That particularly fact didn't seem to quell the confusion and loneliness in a young Kieran's heart, though. At first, Kieran used to spend a lot of weekends with his father, but after time worked against them, the visits lost frequency. His dad was just always so burnt out from work when they did see each other, and his mother didn't particularly support or encourage them seeing each other. Eventually the visits became more of a monthly thing. When he wasn't afraid of the repercussions of asking, Kieran would try to ask his parents why things were happening the way they were. Apparently explaining these things to a young teenager were a bit too troublesome for them, though, since both parents seemed unwilling to get into it.
Throughout Junior High during the divorce, Kieran's grief was extremely evident. He avoided his peers as if they had the plague, and became a lot more recluse than he was beforehand, if that were posible. What made things worse was that he seemed to have no way to express himself and deal with bullying. Even the slightest comment that might offend him usually escalated into him getting into fights. Being how kids are, a lot of classmates egged him on, as well. This resulted in a lot of suspensions and a huge slip in his grades. His mother would berate him for his behavior, but it didn't seem to matter much to him. In the end she would just blame everything that was happening on her ex-husband and leave it at that. There was a time that the school counselor tried to get Kieran to talk about his problems at home and school, but it seemed that Kieran only had the interest in knowing these things from his parents. By then the damage had been done, and Kieran was held back a year due to successive fighting. It was by then that his mother had finally elected to change Kieran over to private schools instead of public schools, now that she had the money to afford it.
Changing schools didn't particularly affect Kieran too much, once he tried to deal with the feelings that trouble him with his family's divorce. The schooling was a bit more serious here, so it required a bit more effort and concentration... Which at least proved to distract him from his personal life and family problems. The only thing Kieran doesn't particularly like about going to private schools is the grandeur and elitism some of the students have about them. Granted, not everyone acted like a snob, but most of the kids here were in money families like himself, so it wasn't weird to see an abundance of them. Kieran does wear the brands and makes use of the benefits of living under his grandparent's financial aid, but he has a huge respect for hard workers. To be honest, he has no need to work part-time, yet Kieran went against his mother's wishes and got himself a job as a waiter. Granted, he only works a couple days a week due to schooling and extra curricular activities, but regardless, he feels that he appreciates the money he earns more than the commodities he's simply given. If he had it his way, he'd be out there working construction like his dad or something, but he knows that's never going to happen. Going right along with school and work, Kieran also has to find the time for his soccer team. He plays in a soccer club in the district, not for the school. Since his time is already so monopolized, he does miss some practices, but tries to get to all of them and all of the games. He's by no means an ace on the team, but he appreciates the sport and is extremely quick on his feet.
Kieran has had a few years to adjust to the divorce and dealing with private schools, and is doing alright. Generally, he just tries to keep himself overly busy and distracted so he doesn't have to deal with worrisome emotions. He doesn't seem to have a lot of friends in Adessi Hall right now, just a small niche, but he still hangs out with his soccer buddies and does have some people he's somewhat talkative with. As for the rumors going on and about, as far as demons and the school haunting go, Kieran isn't sure if he buys into it yet. He's always kind of thought ghosts could exist, but beyond finding certain places creepy or feeling as though he's perceived something, he's got nothing. And all this talk about demons just sounds a little too fictional for him to believe in outright. Not to mention it just kind of freaks him out if he were to actually sit down and think about it, so he kind of just brushes those thoughts away for right now. Plus, he doesn't have the time to invest in worrying about such things at the moment. Or any moment.
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Weapon: Kubotan ( Sai )
Stats: Agility ★ Magic ★ Luck ★ Vitality ★ Strength
Persona: Aeshma
Strength: Status
Weakness: Electricity
Primary Skillset: Water ( Ice )
Secondary Skillset: Electricity
Other: Although Kieran doesn't have a lot of free time now that he attends Adessi Hall, he used to read comic books and play a lot of video games. Lately, he's usually a bit more into his music. When he's walking around the school, he tends to always carry around his iPod Touch if he can get away with it without getting yelled at. Since he's got so many issues when it comes to articulating his thoughts and feelings, he really gets emotionally invested into music lyrics. He's also into K-Pop, along with a lot of Alternative and Ska bands. Kieran is definitely one of those kids whose feelings you could understand if you paid attention to the music he's listening to.