OOC Information:
Name/Alias: Purple
Age: Almost 30
E-Mail//MSN//AIM: wily.willy.wonka@gmail.com
Personal LJ:
purpionHow did you hear about Badfic? I have played here for about two years now and I had this character in here before. Badfic is my homegame and I wouldn't dream of being anywhere else. :)
IC Information:
Character Name: Edward Scissorhands
Name that appears on plaque: Edward "Scissorhands" Katawsin
Character Journal:
shy_bladeCanon: Edward Scissorhands
Point in Canon: He is coming in around the time he was arrested for breaking and entering and while he was told that he needed to be kept overnight for observation by the forensic psychologist.
Age: Estimated at 43.
Birthday: July 14, 1921
Appearance: Edward has pale, nearly white skin, dark circles, dark brown nearly black eyes, black collar length hair that is not well kept and uneven. Edward stands at 5'9" and is clad mostly in leather. His hands are made up of various parts that belonged to hedge clippers and scissors that are very sharp. His thumbs are made of carpet blades that are equally as sharp though smaller than his "fingers". Some of his main blades that make up his index and middle fingers are about 18" long. He has numerous scars on his face from cuts due to being startled or just simply being awkwardly clumsy with his hands. He is thin and pale from the lack of diet though he does not need to eat to survive.
Abilities: Edward is vastly talented with the use of his bladed hands and his skills include cutting hair, cutting and shaping hedges, ice sculptures and other things that can be carved. He is also very sensitive and intelligent although he is innocent to the reasons why some people do bad things. He can run quickly and has decent reflexes but often times he would rather be passive than aggressive. He would rather take the defensive approach than become the aggressor.
Personality: Edward is mostly passive with a child-like innocence about him. He does feel emotions despite being created and man-made to his very fiber. Sensitive and caring, Edward often lands himself in a great deal of trouble when he puts his heart before logic. He was raised completely without guidance and love is his driving force even if he knows that he has no chance in living a normal life.
Edward prefers the quiet than to be in the lime-light of other's following eyes. He is shy and very withdrawn though at some point he did like being the center of attention. That is, until he realized that he was being used and decided that being the center often meant being in trouble the most.
Edward is a very shy individual with a lack of real world knowledge. He has an aversion to meeting new people much like he had when he was locked up in his home of origin. He is naive and very quiet. He does have a darker side to him and he can become destructive and dangerous should he be left unchecked. He tries his best not to harm people in any way, though from time to time he does accidentally hurt another if he's not paying attention or if he becomes too nervous.
Edward is very soft spoken and very shy. He speaks only when he is spoken to and most of his manners of communication is through non verbal responses such as facial expressions and body language. Despite his dangerous appearance he is very gentle and patient. He is well mannered and honest. He will follow orders to the letter if there were any given to him.
Strengths: Patient, Edward has no real concept of time and often will wait long periods if necessary. Edward doesn't feel anxious over how long something takes or how long a person needs to get anything accomplished.
Focused, Edward will work diligently at a task until it is completed and often with precision through practice and focus. His creativity is often his main drive to work as much as he does and he often goes with the first thing that comes into mind.
Intuitive, Edward knows the difference between right and wrong but often times he does whatever his heart tells him to do and generally it lands him into trouble. However, this doesn't mean that he looks for trouble but instead he follows his heart. Kim had exploited this without realizing it. Jim knew exactly how to manipulate Edward which landed the innocent construct in jail in the first place.
Dreamer, Edward wants an ideal life. He knows that he can't have it because of how different he is but he does try to assimilate the best he can.
Weaknesses: Gullible, Edward will believe anything he hears and is often viewed as weak willed or misguided. Once he learns otherwise, he isn't fooled a second time the same way.
Soft-spoken, Edward often goes unheard since he never raises his voice nor does he shout if he feels pain. This often leads to being ignored whenever he could be in a serious amount of danger of bleeding to death.
Child-like, Edward has trouble seeing the world as an adult would. He was never taught how to think logically and is often viewed by his "peers" as stupid or retarded. The truth is, he never learned the differences since he only knew that living in his home was the only thing he knew about the world. There was little else outside of it. In Edward's eyes, a globe is just a ball with a bunch of words on it. His education level is that of a pre-schooler.
History: Edward was created by an inventor who was very eccentric and lived alone. He thought of his inventions much like he did children. It was never stated if he was ever married. The aging inventor had dreamed of making a man, but at the time he thought of making one, he had a limited amount of time to work. He thought of the plans to create a man using a sugar cookie as a guide and held it up to another machine that he had created as a vegetable slicer that sat in the corner by itself.
For what seemed a short amount of time, he managed to create a viable life form from the machine and started training Edward as soon as he was able to speak yet he was still not fully assembled. The inventor talked and read to his "son" daily and spent a great amount of time talking and nurturing Edward throughout his "growth" from the machine to the man that became. It was through this interaction that Edward "grew" to be very happy yet he was very quiet.
Edward learned many things from the inventor that ranged from poetry, art, science and among the most boring of subjects came etiquette. He "grew" up well mannered and very polite. Throughout Edward's life he never learned right from wrong. Around Christmas time was the saddest times of his life for two reasons. He lost the man that he knew to be his father and the woman that he grew to love and care for named Kim Boggs, which I will touch on how Edward and Kim met.
Upon the untimely death of the inventor, Edward was left alone and uncertain of his fate. He trimmed and formed topiary art which not only kept him busy, it was also the only form of expression that he can do without causing bodily injury. Edward soon met Peggy Boggs, the local Avon representative from the suburb just beyond the castle gates.
Upon seeing Edward for the first time, Peggy was a bit frightened of his appearance. She later became sympathetic to the "young" man and took him home to her house where she "adopted" him as her own.
Edward was introduced to the family through pictures. Kevin, Peggy's son, Kimberly her daughter and her husband Bill were talked about initially to Edward through the small, yet insightful picture introductions. Edward seemed most interested in Kim at the time because of her smile and her appearance. It was within moments that Peggy set to work to acclimate Edward to the suburban lifestyle. His quiet demeanor made him a quick favorite in the house where Kevin and Bill soon took to the odd looks of Edward without a second thought.
As an act of kindness, which could have been mistaken as boredom to some, Edward started doing hedge art throughout the neighborhood soon after the barbecue was announced at the Bogg's residence albeit a bit forceful by the busybody neighbor Joyce to introduce the strange and enigmatic young man. Edward's shy disposition soon became a fast favorite among the neighborhood women and his artistic creativity soon made him a popular figure in the neighborhood despite the warnings of Esmeralda the religious zealot of the neighborhood who had viewed Edward as an abomination rather than a man.
The same night of the barbecue, Kim returned home from a camping trip with her friends. She entered the bedroom, not knowing about Edward on the water bed, she began to undress and screamed the moment she saw the strange man with knifes laying on her bed. Her screams not only panicked Edward to the point of destroying the water bed but they also woke up the entire family in a state of shock and utter chaos.
Bill escorted Edward to the basement wet bar and introduced Edward to scotch calling it lemonade. Edward was instantly inebriated when Kim was introduced properly to Edward in which he passed out in the process of saying, "Hello.".
With popularity came the price. Edward was taken by Joyce to open a beauty salon where she had tried to seduce him in the back room where she was "trying" on aprons. Edward soon became confused and nervous, leaving behind a very irate Joyce in the wake of his sudden departure when the barbers chair fell backward. He met with the Boggs family at a diner across the street from the shopping center where Joyce wanted to open up "Shear Heaven". It was then that Edward proceeded to tell the family what had happened play by play only to find that his statements were left ignored by Bill but stunned Peg, Kevin and Kim.
Little did the Boggs family and Edward know that Joyce was spreading a vicious rumor about the shy Edward, leaving what little reputation that he had in the mud. He was once loved but soon loathed by many of the people in the suburb. His naive nature was not accustomed to the changing lifestyle that he was pushed into suddenly.
Jim soon took advantage of this situation and coaxed Kim to ask Edward to help him with a heist of his own house. Edward knew that the house was Jim's yet he didn't protest since it was Kim that had asked him to perform the task. Edward didn't want to disappoint nor hurt Kim by saying no which soon led him down another road of internal angst that he soon struggled with. He started to show a destructive nature since he felt that no one was listening to him and soon struggled with swelling jealousy that he didn't know how to handle.
The Christmas party at the Boggs home was an event that was done every year. Edward was outside carving an angel from a large block of ice which not only kept him busy but it made it snow for just a moment. Kim was fascinated since she had never seen snow. Edward didn't know that she was dancing in the flakes that were cast from the ice sculpture and accidentally cut her hand open as he was climbing down the ladder. He tried to help her but Kim's obsessive and arrogant boyfriend that set Edward up, the source of Edward's angst, soon starting blaming Edward for Kim's injury by yelling and pushing him away and out of the family yard.
The confused and disheartened Edward left into the night and started to change and rip through the clothing that was given to him by Peg. Edward had gone on a destructive streak to ease his tension by cutting the leg off of a topiary and slicing a tire. The police were called and Edward had gone on the run. He sat alone with his thoughts knowing that he wasn't a part of anyone's life and viewed himself too different to be human, he had human emotions which made him like those that shunned him which confused the gentle yet potentially dangerous young man.
He eventually went back to the Boggs home to find that Peg and Bill had gone to search for him when Kim told Edward the news that she was fine and the cut wasn't serious. Edward struggled with his emotions the moment that Kim had asked Edward to hold her. He stopped himself out of fear of hurting her. She put his arms around her which sparked a new emotion within Edward that he didn't want to let go of...love.
Edward saved Kevin's life by jumping in front of an out of control van that was piloted by a drunk teen and Jim yelling orders not to stop until they got to Kim's house. The frightened Kevin and confused Edward tried to help Kevin only to cut him by accident several times across the face asking many times if the boy was okay. The neighbors were then coming out to see what the commotion was about. It was then that Edward knew that being among them wasn't possible. He was too frightened to act on his own when the distressed Kim told him to run.
Without hesitation, Edward had done just that. He ran until he reached the only home that he knew where he couldn't hurt anyone and the only place where he belonged, the place of his birth was his true sanctuary. Officer Allen, the same officer that took a liking and had sympathy to Edward rang 4 shots into the air to keep the neighbors at bay. Kim was disturbed by the sounds of the gunshots and ran to find Edward under the notice of the others in the neighborhood and her parents.
Kim found Edward in the attic alone and scared. Jim later appeared, followed Kim most likely, to point a gun and shoot at Edward which sparked another altercation between the two, this time for survival. Edward eventually killed Jim and the fight was soon over. Edward looked on the body of the fallen Jim with sympathy. He knew that there was no turning back and he knew then that there was no hope for Kim is she stayed with him. It was then that he let her go and the two never saw each other again.
First Person Sample: [Edward sits in the parlor and waits with his head hung out of shame.]
I'm sorry.
[His bladed hands scrape back and forth. He waits longer.]
Is Officer Allen coming?
[There is silence and since he hasn't looked up yet, he's unsure where he is now.]
Did I hurt anyone?
[Again there is silence and he returns it. His hands are the only things making any sound and his breathing only solidifies the fact that he isn't human. It seems forced at best.]
Am I going to a cage?
[There is silence again.]
[This his voice breaks and trails off.]
Third Person Sample: Edward wandered onto the snow covered grounds of the Manor. His hands at his sides, he looked up at the grey sky and watched the falling snow from below. Since this is the first time that he had ever seen snow that he didn't create through his ice sculptures, he closes his eyes. He can't feel the cold but the softly falling snow lends to his imagination. "Kim would like this." He smiled inwardly to himself.
It seemed like a long time since he had seen the Bogg's girl but he knew that she was okay. Kim was better off with her family and not with him. Edward's heart sank at the thought that he would never see her again but maybe it was for the best. People never did well alone and he wasn't human, only in appearance and even that was questionable.
He opened his dark eyes and blinked toward the tree line. Maybe if he traveled long enough he could find a way back home to her...
Notes: I have played Edward here before and this time I'm taking him from a completely different point in canon and he's going to miss Kim. This way, it keeps things simple for him and he has a means to live on.
Bonus: From his canon point to modern time, Edward would be 90 years old. This is going to be pretty interesting for him since he has no idea how much time has passed nor does he have a concept of math.