Title: Fighting for His Family
Characters: Danny and Steve, with a little Grace
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Hawaii 5-0 does not belong to me, and no infringement is intended.
Summary: Danny will do whatever it takes to keep his family together. This story was originally posted to the
Hawaii 5-0 Flash Fiction community.
Fighting for His Family )
Comments 9
I think I want to read up on Tam Lin. it sounds interesting
One of the things I like about the story of Tam Lin is that the woman rescues the man. ;> She gets pulled into this conflict between Tam Lin and the fairies (usually without knowing about it in advance), and she has to hold onto him through all of these scary, dangerous transformations.
I wrote this for the Hawaii 5-0 Flash Fiction AU challenge. There were a bunch of great fics, although I think I was the only one to use the fae. If you don't follow that community, I highly recommend that challenge since you love off-genre stories.
I'd love to flesh out that idea, someday, but I've got more than a few I'd have go work on before that. Also, for whatever reason, I only ever seem to manage to finish fic for Castle. :/
I also Love that Danny could hold Steve no matter what even when it was something that freaked him out. The Fairy Queen definately used all those against him.
Cool story!
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