...In which I upset, insult, and annoy people in equal measure...
* Oh god, Joe - must you stand like that whilst aiming your bow?! It's part-camp, part-"I've just soiled my undercrackers." *sigh*
* And while we're discussing Allan, why is he always at the back?
* I like Kate. :¬) At least she and Guy have appropriately Northern accents.
* Allan to Kate: "Tuck always talks like that - just nod and smile."
* Loving Much being all "It's a ladeee!!"
* Trust Allan to be first when it comes to chasing Kate...
* John looks like a rather large wire-haired terrier as he listens to the sounds of the forest: he practically has his ears cocked. Why am I expecting him to start howling and barking - or at least to go off chasing rabbits or something?
* I know it's just me, but I don't think the guy playing Finn can act...
* Celts? Celts?! Apart from being yet another Prince of Thieves reference, the term "Celt"/"Celts" wasn't used then... *snarls*
* For some reason I am finding this whole Oirish theme acutely embarrassing.
* Yay!! Guy tells the Sheriff what he really thinks, and old Royston Vesey doesn't like it...
* Is it me, or is John getting far more lines now? :¬D I'm sorry, but that's one reason why I don't miss Djaq and Will - there were far too many characters jostling for attention and lines, and now that John's becoming more loquacious, I hope the arrival of Kate and Tuck doesn't spoil that again. :¬}
* Much, if you get your head stuck between those bars... A nice smile from Allan to Much, though.
* I like Guy's spurs... *vbeg*
* I want to slap Finn and Tiernan very, very hard. Can I? Can I please?
* Oh my days...Much's face when Kate hugs him... *heart melts*
* The Sheriff to Gisborne: "You don't understand the poetry of pain." But Robin does. Oh god, I so don't want to go there... *vbg*
* God, is it still only quarter to 7?! :¬( *wants to chew own arm off* This is 24 carat crap. I detest this "T'be sure, dis Robin is a foine, brave maan who foights for a caaze just loike we do. Let's get Robin to foight with us in Oireland - der people will rally behoind him and foight wit' us" bullshit. I loathed it in Robin of Sherwood fandom, and I still hate it now. Do you have any idea just how popular plots/plot strands not unloike - sorry, unlike this were in that fandom amongst [I'm sorry to say it] American fans? This is just like watching really bad RoS fanfic - and the hints of parallels with the IRA and fellow travellers makes me uncomfortable given recent events.
* Kate's speech about the loss of a whole generation of young men is a nice First World War reference - if that's what it's meant to be. :¬)
* Must Joe stand like that?! #2: the slouchy "both hands on hips" rent-boy pose.
* Much is smitten. He's so sweet! :¬D
* Apparently that's a mouse, not a rat. Well, it's a fucking big mouse, that's all I can say. Mouse: "Ooh, look at me acting!! Well, s/he's certainly a better actor than William Houston is in this... :¬( Is he even trying?!
* Robin to Mouse: "Hello, little fella - where did you come from?" Mouse to Robin: "Well, when a Mummy Mouse and a Daddy Mouse love each other very very much..."
* Is it me, or has Robin eaten all the pies while he's been grieving for Marian?
* Robin to Mouse re hole he's made in wall: "I'd never have fitted through there, anyway." I'm saying nothing. See above comment.
* Oh god, the comedy Irishmen... I swear I've read RoS fanfic like this.
* Maybe Allan could settle down with Kate's mum? ;¬)
* Things have definitely changed between Guy and the Sheriff; Guy really isn't scared of him any more, and there's the feeling that the Sheriff realises just how little power he has over him now.
* I know it was a mistake, but Joe, don't look directly into the camera like that again... :¬}
* What the hell is going on with Kate's hair at the front?!
* Oooh, that's a heavy block of stone...
* HANG-GLIDING TO FREEDOM?! :¬O Still, kudos to Joe for that "Oh fuck, they've gone too far, this time..." look, even if that's not what it was actually meant to be. *g*
* So the Sheriff likes tight-fitting uniforms...?
* Just when I think Guy can't get sexier - but depriving us of him for goodness knows how many eps?! NOOOOOOOOOOOO! :¬( *cries*
* Allan: "Slow down, gents - you'll all get some..." Yes, Allan - I bet that's not the first time you've said that, either... (see point between the one about Kate's "lost generation" speech and Much being sweet when he's smitten.
* I liked the point Kate makes about the reality of the effects of what Robin does, and how they're not always positive.
* The army thing looks interesting...so will probably be forgotten about...
* Oh, not another inspirational speech... I see Allan's doing that "Oh god, do shut up!" look again!
* Rosie, David Hayman who plays the Abbot next week was in The Near Room with Andy. :¬)
* Isn't that "What we do...[something something something] defines us for eternity" come from something else? Or am I confusing it with Russell Crowe's big eve-of-battle speech in Gladiator?