Title: Conscience
shyawayRating: PG
Character: Sawyer
Spoilers: for "The Brig"
Summary: A response to last week's episode - revenge isn't always all it's cracked up to be.
A/N: First fic in this fandom... I crave your indulgence. :-) Suggestions on where to cross-post it, please?
Cross-posted to:
lostsquee, and
lost_fanfic (thanks for the sign-post,
Read more... )
Comments 14
I thought The Brig was the most compelling episode of Lost that I've seen yet, and you've done a good job of looking into Sawyer's head, following the threads which led him to, as you so aptly put it, ...this prison in a black hole in hell. Your last paragraph is enough to break a heart, and to drive the reader to go back and watch the progression again.
Well done, and once again, welcome!
Here are a few places to post Lost fic. Hope to see you again here sometime soon!
Also, if you'd like, please check out Lost fic written by ( ... )
Thanks also for the community links, and I will check out your fic!
Oh, well done! I love how you build this, little snapshots of pain and determination.
Then he would be cool, calm - cold-blooded - just like the reptile who had destroyed his family. Yelling and lashing out wouldn't get the message across.
His careful, cool resolve as he plans and fantasizes just isn't strong enough to hold up to a real confrontation, and this:
man of his nightmares prodding at him with bamboo shoots of ripped open memories, Sawyer won't read the letter, won't take the blame, shut up shut up SHUT UP...
is an incredible glimpse of the torture he's going through. "Bamboo shoots of ripped open memories" is especially arresting.
Am *bouncing* and *squeeing* and applauding and you should have seen my sleepy, caffeine-deprived eyes pop open when the meaning of your comment came clear! I see jenthegypsy has already pointed at the proper communities for this, but perhaps I could also tempt you with lostfichallenge, which has just restarted issuing weekly challenges ( ... )
lostfichallenge, which has just restarted issuing weekly challenges.
*gets hot and panicky at the thought* I've made several PotC claims, you know! One of those comms, zodiacfanfic, is defunct now, but it was such a good idea that I'm playing with the format for several fandoms. Fanfic + astrology = addictive love.
Oh no, oh dear! *fans you while handing you a cool drink* I'm sorry! It's very low key (for the challenge that just finished there were five entries). I meant it only as an opportunity for inspiration. *wrings hands and frets*
Have two POTC claims myself and there they sit, languishing in the corner. Am about to give up the 10 hurt/comfort table as I've had zero luck with that one, but am still hoping for inspiration to strike from somewhere so a little more progress can be made on the other.
Face to face with Sawyer, in this prison in a black hole in hell, Sawyer-Cooper-Seward-man of his nightmares prodding at him with bamboo shoots of ripped open memories
was a nice tie-in with season one's torture scene.
(Sorry, I don't have any Sawyer icons in my journal right now, so will Desmond be okay?;-))
Desmond's always okay. *g*
Oh, poor Sawyer! This is very effective, conveying his inner torment and terrible determination, all of which lead him down that dark path. I was hoping he wouldn't do it, though I suppose it was inevitable, with the situation Locke put him in, and the way Locke's dad behaved. And you describe the point of no return so well here: Face to face with Sawyer, in this prison in a black hole in hell, Sawyer-Cooper-Seward-man of his nightmares prodding at him with bamboo shoots of ripped open memories, Sawyer won't read the letter, won't take the blame, shut up shut up SHUT UP...
Hoping that we will see more from you during this L O N G hiatus. Keep an eye out for drabble challenges and odd prompts for random weekly challenges. Nothing to sign up for, just enter when you are so moved.
Good luck in the voting!
Hoping that we will see more from you during this L O N G hiatus.
Loooong indeed - I hope we get the DVDs earlier than rumoured. They're always conducive to creativity. :-)
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