It was a peculiar thing, Hinata thought, to be able to check with Portalocity and find that your world was suddenly moving far faster than the world Fandom High was on. A night in Fandom and she'd been home for a few weeks already.
Surprisingly, they had not been unenjoyable weeks. Her birthday had been celebrated quietly, as was her wont (it helped, she mused, that in Fandom her birthday fell nearly right after one of their largest holidays and so she rarely had friends attempting to make it a big deal) and her father seemed, if not pleased with her, then at the least not displeased.
Hinata rather believed that he was still making up his mind. She had--done more than a few things in the past year that went against what she would have done while living at home. Change happened but slowly and, to her father, she suspected that it was coming as a bit of a surprise to see it all accumulated.
Rather than rub it in his face--for that was poor methodology if she wished, and she did, to keep the peace--Hinata chose to simply be herself, in all things, and let him make his own observations. That was a fitting response from a Hyuuga heiress, truly. No foot stomping, no yelling, no arguing the unfairness of it all.
Life was unfair. And life went on despite that.
Greeting each day with dignity and picking the unfairnesses to combat, in her own way, was far more Hinata's style. She did not protest her father's decision to assign her a Branch Member to keep watch and protect her.
A protest would have angered her father and given her protector a reason to resent her. That she resented the order was of little consequence. Better to keep quiet and keep the peace. It was a small thing and, truly, unless she was thinking of him, she rarely gave thought to her shadow.
Being back in Konoha gave her time to test her skills-- 'barely adequate' had been her father's verdict, and she'd been pleased with that for it was more of a compliment than it sounded, coming from her harsh father--and time to renew her own connections within the clan.
And get to know her sister, which was both simpler and more complicated than she'd thought it might be. Hanabi had graduated and much of her time was taken up with her team, which Hinata thought was a good thing though it made timing more difficult especially when Hinata had missions of her own to go on, once they'd realized just how great the time gap was between Fandom's time and Konoha's.
Missions without Kurenai-sensei, who was far too pregnant to be active in the field, were weird in and of themselves, but a tiny part of her was gratified to see that the team itself still felt right.
They hadn't changed that much, after all.
With her sister, though, it was Yei who gave her the best 'in'.
Hyuuga Clan did not have many pets and Yei, who was eternally a kitten, had caught Hanabi's attention as well as anything did these days. Which meant there were many conversations about her cat, but truly, Hinata reflected, back when she'd first gotten Yei that had been what Yei had been for.
And so, time moved on and Hinata made sure to keep track of the days that passed. If the speed of time abruptly changed between the worlds, she wanted to ascertain that she didn't miss the next, her last, semester.
That would be a poor way to end things, in truth.
[NFB, open for phone calls if anyone is around though SP will apply later today, la.]