Out-of-Character Information
Name: Hadassah/Cassandra
Are you over 15?: I am drinking age in all 50 states 8U
LJ username:
lil_rebbitzenTime Zone: Eastern
AIM: lilrebbitzen
E-mail: Lil_Rebbizen AT yahoo DOT com
Tegaki: lilrebbitzen, I think
Anything Else?: AIM forever. Also Snap has the best ass.
In-Character Information
Name : Nephenee
Game/Series: Fire Emblem
Canon Point: Post-Radiant dawn
Age & Grade Level: 20, Freshman
Shy, dependable, strong: such words undoubtedly describe Nephenee. Originally, she was even more softspoken for fear of being mocked for her strong Southern accent, but in the intervening time, she gained quite a bit of confidence in her speech as she strives to become more refined. This was helped not only by fighting alongside people from far away that didn’t ridicule her for her accent, but also by her friends
Brom and
Calill, who once was from the country herself. Seeing Calill’s refined mannerisms gave Nephenee the drive to work on herself. After all, if Calill could do it, why couldn’t she?
By the time Radiant Dawn rolls around, it’s apparent she has gained quite a bit of confidence in herself, both on the battlefield -her lance impaling the enemy easily, though she gains no pleasure from killing- and off. It’s safe to say, though, that while she has come a long way from the quiet young lady she was in Path of Radiance, she is in no danger of over-confidence any time soon. She still hides her face often, whether with a helmet, or perhaps a hat. Tilling the land, they say, builds strength of character, and being the main worker and helping her mother take care of the family has made Nephenee strong and reliable. Quick to help her friends and family, she will defend them at a moment’s notice. Though it’s not to say she enjoys fighting, but she knows it is needed at times. She is a calm individual, and rarely complains; while Brom complained about the hardships of marches and army rations, she merely shrugged and tells him they will get used to it. Strong of will and brave, she refused to give in to despair during their imprisonment, and was ready to fight shortly after being rescued. This seems to reflect her positive attitude a bit, and she easily reassures those she calls friend, which, despite her introversion, she seems to make quickly. And despite what it seems, she is far from stupid, quickly figuring what to do in battle and practical things. She is a bit ignorant and naive though, having little or no official schooling. She’s just a simple girl who has farmed for her livelihood, after all.
Backstory: Warning: Here be spoilers!
Little is known about Nephenee’s history prior to Path of Radiance. Originally from Ohma village, Nephenee lived with her mother and siblings -2 sisters, triplet brothers- and, like the rest of the village, supported her family by tilling the spoil and reaping its fruit. Up until the war between Crimea and Daein, her life seems to have been fairly calm. However, prior to the harvest season one year, Daein suddenly attacked the Crimean capital of Melior, beginning the events of Path of Radiance. In preparation to defend their village, a local militia was put together, which Nephenee joined in order to defend her family and livelihood. It was there that she met fellow villager Brom, who she would serve beside in the Greil Mercenaries later. However, unlike the mercenary group they would serve in later, this militia was quite ill-prepared, as it was put together right after war broke out, and consisted entirely of farmers and villagers, with no experience in battle. It was so ill-prepared, in fact, that we learn that they only learned to stand for roll call, had to share equipment, and when they marched, people got lost or fled. But Nephenee and Brom went on, to fight for their village. One fateful day, the militia was engaged by Daein troops, and Nephenee and Brom were helped in some way by the bishop Sephiran. However, the three were captured by the enemy, and imprisoned in Canteus Castle, where they stayed until they and another prisoner were rescued by Ike and his band of mercenaries. Meeting with Princess Elincia, they became convicted, and wore to help her take back the throne. Traveling in the band, which later became known as the Crimean Liberation Army, Nephenee fought with her lance and gained battle and life experience, until Ashnard was finally put down, and Elincia became queen of the realm. After the war, she returned to her family, boasting of serving the queen, and fighting under the great Commander Ike. All was well for several years. Nephenee went back to working the fields of the Crimean countryside, her armor and weapons ever at the ready in case of need. A good thing too, as three years after the country was liberated, a man named Yeardley came to Ohma and stirred the youth of the village, in an attempt to put Ludveck, the duke of Felirae, on the throne. Seeing the crowd and incited youth, Nephenee quickly donned her armor and grabbed war buddy Brom. Together with the thief Heather, they defeated the rebellious youth and Yeardley, and set out to warn Elincia of the impending rebellion, joining back up with Ike eventually to stop it for good, as well as stopping a corrupt Begnion, and defeating the goddess Ashera. After the war ended, Nephenee moved her family to Melior, where she continued to protect her country. It is during this time that she set out to become stronger, and happened upon Smash Academy.
Anything Else?:
Fully promoted to Sentinel.
Has all available supports.
In-Character 1st person writing sample (journal):
(written letter)
Well, I wasn’t expectin’ this place to be so strange! There’s buildings bigger than castles everywhere, horseless buggies running around that growl when they go. People are real different too. I ain’t seen clothes like this even in Begnion, Ma. The school’s got different Laguz I ain’t heard of before, some type called Pokemon, and two big hands run the place. I guess it’s magic, but I wonder if Calill could do something like that. I guess when I visit, I’ll have to ask her!
But they got a big arena to fight in and a bunch of classes on how to fight properly. I know this place will be good for me! How’s everyone back home? Hope the kids ain’t giving you too much trouble. Tell Brom and Meg hi for me too Well, gotta go sign up for classes.
I’ll write again soon!
Love, Nephenee
In-Character 3rd person writing post:
Birds twittered overhead in the oak tree Nephenee sat against, resting her legs from the march as the company took a break. Yesterday’s been another battle, and they had been blessed to not lose anyone. Today they marched on, getting closer to what was to be the final battle in the capital.
The past few battles had been difficult, but she could only imagine what awaited them in Melior. They would face Ashnard’s best, maybe Ashnard himself, and that thought sent a chill down her spine. For a moment, she wondered if everything would be fine. After all, his best knight had taken down Commander Ike’s father, who from what she heard had been an amazing combatant in his own right… But wait, Ike had defeated that knight. So that had to count for something…right?
She shook her head in an attempt to clear it of doubt. No matter what, this’d be their greatest trial, and no worrying was going to help that. She closed her eyes, praying for strength, that they would overcome the evil King, when she was interrupted by a familiar voice.
“Nephenee, we’re starting back up, ya ready?” Brom asked, looking down at her.
“Yep, just praying for the battle to go well.” She replied, standing up with the help of her lance.
“Don’t worry, we’ll beat em! Come on.” As she followed him to the large group, she saw Ike rallying the troops, their cheers loud and strong, and she smiled.
With Commander Ike leading them, they’d be just fine.