7 random facts

Jan 26, 2010 19:39

Since I was tagged by wildwoodflower7  and never got around to answering her last questions, I'll play.

A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. I decided not to tag other people, but if you're reading this you're welcome to play along.

1. I take coffee with a little milk and a little sugar. If it is really good coffee, I can drink it black, but my stomach doesn't approve of that.  If it is really bad coffee, I like to put hot chocolate mix in it.  I worked at cafe Outloud for a few months and enjoy making lattes.  I really miss it.

2.  I am participating in "February is for finishing" but I have about a week left to start new projects.  The ones I want to work on are:
Grandmother spider shawl
Willow socks (for me! The first 3 pair of socks I knit I gave away).
Yoga Sockies (for me)
Ballerina Tank top
Hoodie (which I have to frog because the needles and yarn don't match and hurt my hands)
harmonylsc has commissioned me to make her a pair of toe socks. I ordered yarn but I don't know when it will get here.
Maybe something with cables
fingerless gloves to match my cute hat

3. I love breakfast foods and I have been craving them. I bought buttermilk today to make my grandmother's biscuits.

4. I have become a fan of plants vs. zombies.

5.  I am probably going to watch some how I met your mother and knit a gauge swatch after I finish writing this.  I knit really loosely, which is sometimes problematic.

6.  I have a problem with clutter.  I don't like working on it and then my room tries to eat me so I work on it. I'm getting better at managing it.

7.  My cat, Gilbert, is snoozing.  He is as close to being on my lap as he can be with the laptop here.  I have 2 cats.  Gilbert I adopted when his owner went to grad school in CA and was living in community.  Cordelia was an impulse buy after Matt the asshole plumber broke up with me.

answers, meme, yarn, me, knitting

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