
Aug 21, 2012 22:53

So, still alive and still kicking. And soon moving back to Germany ( Read more... )

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Comments 11

fendassor August 22 2012, 15:18:50 UTC
Hey there, welcome amongst the living xD

I think it would certainly be interesting to have you report on the outcomes, the taste and so on, as well as recipes you've come up with ^^


siberianchan August 22 2012, 15:59:16 UTC
XD - don't ask for recipes. I'll give ingredients but nothing more (hey, gimme credit I want people to take the stuff from me and maybe pay me. Can't afford for them to make it themselves.


fendassor August 22 2012, 17:38:06 UTC
Well, all right, in that case you just have to include a little online store, where you actually do sell some of it and how about publishing a recipe book when you have enough xD


siberianchan August 22 2012, 21:44:07 UTC
Help me preparing the online store by sampling my stuff and spreading the word so people will buy it! XD!

(oh and that's soooo not supposed to be an invitation to visit me in Augsburg once I'm back)


springstermatic August 28 2012, 16:02:15 UTC
the man deserves a medal.
LOL what.


siberianchan August 28 2012, 19:31:39 UTC
Ja, ich weiß, Long-Distance mildert den Effekt meiner nervenzerfetzenden Fähigkeiten erheblich, aber trotzdem - er hält mich schon ein halbes Jahr aus. Und nein, er wusste nicht GANZ worauf er sich einlässt (dass ich... seltsam bin, wusste er. Er konnte nur nicht das Ausmaß meines Irrsinns abschätzen. Ich kann mich ab und zu gut tarnen...).

Verdient ne auszeichnung.


springstermatic August 29 2012, 07:11:03 UTC
hallooooooo, wer weiß das denn schon, wenn man sich auf ne beziehung einlässt??
pretty normal, I'd say!


siberianchan August 29 2012, 15:13:29 UTC
Ja - aber genau das is der grund, warum man eine Beziehung beenden können dürfen muss wenn man an jemanden gerät, der einem wirklich zu viel is. Und seien wir ehrlich, ich BIN den meisten Leuten zu viel, wenn sie mich nur von weitem sehen. (was praktisch is, spart mir das Idioten-aussieben.)


jyuufish October 17 2012, 02:17:45 UTC

I was actually quite thrilled to recieve a response, I had feared that there would be no one who would respond to it however that just tickles me! Just a question, what sort of projects were you involved in that you didn't want officials to know about? It sounds exciting.

Do you have any particular idea for a plot or the whatnot? Or rather what sort of setting you'd want to RP Seregil in? I can pretty much do anything, action, adventure, fantasy, supernatural.. or hey, combining elements of both.

Is there any sort of questions you have for me? I mean I hope you are okay with eventual smut and such, since I believe in RPing out such scenes when they occur, hopefully that is alright with you. Is there anything you want me to know about you?

Wow, I'm so excited.

BTW adding you!


jyuufish October 17 2012, 16:54:32 UTC

Sorry about the randomness that I inserted onto your LJ yesterday, I just got so excited and I tried to send you a private message but you had set it to privacy. If I mentioned anything in that comment that you wouldn't want anyone else to read feel free to delete it. -_-


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