Material: Watercolor and watercolor pencils
Size: 5”x8”
Notes: I've done a few watercolors, but mostly by flying by the seat of my pants and using really tiny brushes. Color theory, mixing, washes, I have no idea what those things are or how to do them properly, which was why this process was more frustrating than most.
Series of events that led up to art beginning last week:
1. Hey, it’s someone’s birthday today! I’ll do a quick little painting, since I’d like to switch to watercolors and we both ship this pairing. It won’t take that long!
2. Ooh, love the reference but who needs an ugly brick background?
3. How about the Downtown Abbey façade on one side and ridiculous tree which I usually don’t like to draw much less paint on the other side instead? Perfect!
4. I can’t change Gwen’s coat! How hard could the plaid pattern be to paint?
5. WTF Gwen’s skin tone?! What are you even? And STFU light sources.
Bloody hell. Enjoy.
It's really sad I didn't even think of moving them closer together or OH DEAR GOD holding hands until I was already halfway through. Although because it's Downton Abbey they're practically snogging on the lawn, the hussies.
Happy (belated) birthday, Zoe. :)