um... despite my love for arthur c. clarke, 2001: a space odyssey was kind've discerning. :/ large portions of it seemed insignificant, and as if they were only there to take up tree carcass... maybe it'll be better after i write my paper on it and start up 2010: odyssey two... bleeeagh. i hope i do well on that paper.
i hate it when artists, writers, and musicians get their asses kissed so much that they start treating everyone else like shit. not only does it infuriate me, but it's also depressing. *vomits, for real*
you are my sunshine, my only sunshine. you make me happy when skies are grey. you'll never know, dear, how much i love you. please don't take my sunshine away. for if you go dear, i'll be without you, and forever my skies will be grey.
anyway, maybe it's just me, or maybe it's just the way scifi chopped them up to make them politically correct and what have you, but the wishmaster movies seem pretty bland and underdeveloped to me. :/ especially the fourth one...