Jul 08, 2011 07:26
What's a summer camp without ghosts? This is the RIP WIP ("Rest in peace, works in progress") challenge: Take those fragments of sick!Wilson creations that have been haunting you with their unfinishedness and post them in comments here. Bury them, mourn them, and let them go.
camp sick!wilson
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House (writes the word ASSUMPTION on the whiteboard): We know making assumptions makes and ASS (circles word) out of U (circles letter) and U (doubles back to circle letter again). Stick to symptoms, facts, and observations. What do we know?
Foreman, in exact same tone as before: We know he has cancer."
I love your IC banter. This too will be an excellent story. <3
House: Neither is he (indicating Chase).
Hahaha, I loved this! Completely IC and so enjoyable to read. It's too bad we won't see it finihsed...*mourns*
This in particular is harsh but soooo House
House: All presentations are somewhat atypical, and if you're going to have a child with a chronic, debilitating condition it's not all the worst thing in the world to have him die while he's still young and cute enough to at least get you some sympathy. (changing tone) So. Bowling?
Thanks, it struck me as something he would say. It's not, I hasten to add, my own belief.
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