First crack at brewing beer. Highly dumbed down(as in im not sophisticated to do it really good).
First I crushed my hop pellets, which was harder then I thought it would have been:
Then I sanatized my shit which is the most important part of brewing.
As I let that dry, i measured out my hops and then re hydrated the yeast
I filled up my brew pot with 3 quarts of water, brought to near a boil, added the malt which I found out is sticky as fuck even in powder form, dextrose(kind of sugar),and mixed, and then stired in the hops.
Afterward, I learned my first lesson insanley quickly which was good cause nothing went too wrong. When you add hops pellets, that shit is going to try hard to boil over.
This is it acting like its swamp thing and getting bigger and bigger, i stirred it hella quick when it started to foam excessivley, but some shit stuck to the sides, so I hope that dosen't impact it much.
Then time goes by and I filled it up, which was harder then I thought it was going to be. I had to sterialize a smaller pot, and then pour into that, and into my fermenter which is a cube shaped bag. I spilled hella wort,(well my dad did even thoguh i kept saying STOP STOP).
Then I let it cool for what seemed liek days, and I hope that dosen't cause major infection due to the air or anything. Oh well, its my first beer. I stuck it in my closet:
Things I learned:
a. Count better.
b. watch your boil like a hawk.
c. malt is sticky and will kill you
d. make sure malt dosen't stick the bottom of the pot.
e. don't let your dad pour your wort
f. wort takes forever to cool and it smells like odd tea or something not beer.
g. no matter how bad this turns out im sure its better then king cobra.
If it taste good, im going to call it crucial brew-ed.
In other news, I've been reading alot at night latley, which is nice cause even though I like to read, usually I can't cause my mind drifts to other thoughts and I have to re read a million things and oh whats the point and I go on here(computer). I've become so apathetic in a sense. I don't like it. I don't know what to do/think about that. I don't know how you become apathetic under Bush. Fuck deep livejournal thoughts.
In music news, there are like more shows then I know what to do with this weekend. Two shows are for sure: MGR on saturday, and MGR on sunday. If somehow I can make it to knife fight in santa cruz on friday then awesome. If i can make it to ludicra on friday then awesome. I don't want to be at home on friday though. I feel bad cause im going to miss forward to death every time they play this weekend. I wanted to see them. I can't believe im complaining over too many shows.