After the kajillionth time lj finally lets me comment. No way am I attempting to post anything tonight grrrrr. Sorry for ranting. LOL. Yes het is allowed as long as you warn people lol. Anything is allowed here as long as it involves Spike or James.
If you think the fic is particularly sick then please friends-lock it so only community members can see it.
I don't mind a little het, as long as it isn't B/A. (Buffy/Angel and Willow/Spike are just about the only hetpairings that can turn me off a fic with Spike in it, without even giving it a try...)
That's like, female and male isn't ir? Do they even still do that any more? *shakes head* Crazy.
I don't mind Het...but do cringe at Bangel (too busy thinking that both of them should be with Spike, you know) and am terrified of Biley!! That scares almost as much as Concordy!!
Comments 7
If you think the fic is particularly sick then please friends-lock it so only community members can see it.
Can't wait.
I don't know yet how sick it'll turn out to be. Hopefully I'll get it done soon(ish).
Hopefully. Believe, I'm not big on Het, either. ;)
I don't mind Het...but do cringe at Bangel (too busy thinking that both of them should be with Spike, you know) and am terrified of Biley!! That scares almost as much as Concordy!!
For Spangel I will read the het.
Gotta love those bunnies......
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