From Twitter 05-07-2011

May 08, 2011 03:03

  • 01:25:44: New phone wallpaper Mmm... =)
  • 12:22:48: Re-watched the JGL episode of SNL and wished someone had written better sketches for it. Not funny at all =/
  • 15:33:06: Re-watching Alec Baldwin/Jonas Bros SNL and still feeling creepy for perving on Nick Jonas.
  • 15:33:32: But my God, they just didn't make 16-year-olds that looked like that when I was his age.
  • 15:49:29: From my limited research, Nick's voice actually sounds WORSE on record than it does live. And live, it's...not good. Lol.
  • 17:00:59: Ridiculously humid today. Must be a storm a-brewin'.
  • 22:52:10: Singing Kelly Clarkson and Jonas Brothers at work WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME

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