Daisy!! Daisy!! Your home, Your home!!... right? I hope that you had a WONDERFUL time. E-mail me because i don't know your e-mail address. Right now i am at my aunt's house, in Gilroy. I'll be here til Thursday. I'll try and call you. But email me so i can talk to you. i missed you!
Well it's about time. i FINALLY attempted and PASSED my driving permit test! Yay for me. I got...LOL...8 wrong. 8 is the cut off point. THANK GOD! I'd just thought i'd share my happiness. You guys all have a good day.
yeah well i'm finally driving. FOr the past two weeks i've been behind the wheel. I take my permit test on the 22nd of this month. So driver's beware, here I come!
Yeah what you just read is true. I know it's hard to belive that Tenaya is finally driving. But it's all true. Be afraid, VERY afraid, I am!