Fic: Exit Wounds (3/8)

Apr 21, 2012 03:02

Title: Exit Wounds
Chapter: (3/8)
Fandom: Buffyverse
Pairing: Buffy/Spike, Fred/Wesley, mentions of Cordelia/Angel and Buffy/Angel.
Summary: Two weeks after Cordelia's death Buffy arrives at Wolfram and Hart looking for answers about the disturbing dreams she has been having since the Hellmouth was closed. There she finds a grieving Angel and a ( Read more... )

spuffy, fic: exit wounds, fanfiction

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Comments 23

spikeslou April 30 2012, 00:40:03 UTC
Smashing update, you can't resist the boys indulging in such sparkling repartee!


sidhlairiel May 2 2012, 21:42:55 UTC
Thank you :) There'll be more Spike/Angel banter to come of course!


rebcake May 27 2012, 21:12:33 UTC
I'm loving that Gunn is being awesome and a voice of reason where Buffy is concerned. Angel being petty is never not funny and I'm going to be gleefully visualizing him scrunched into the back of the Porsche for a long time to come.

It's sweet that Buffy is trying to comfort Angel in his grief, but I couldn't help but think that Murphy's Law decrees that Spike would walk in when she hugs him...glad you didn't go that route.

Glad to see more of this!


sidhlairiel May 29 2012, 00:40:07 UTC
Having other characters commenting on the obviousness of Spuffy is one of my favourite fic tropes, and I couldn't resist making Gunn act as Spike's Sassy Gay Friend. Also, Angel being petty is a thing of beauty. And you just know that he is slow to call shotgun since he always insists on driving.

When it comes to Buffy and Angel, I'm sure that anything Spike dreams up in his head is just as bad as any misconstrued moment he might walk in on!

*uses petty!Angel icon for effect*


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