Title: Time
Author: Sidium
Wordcount: 234
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Sam/Dean
Warnings: None
Spoilers: Season four
Disclaimer: I don't own them. You know that. Don't play these little games.
Summary: Sam recounts time without Dean.
"When you, uh, when you died... it took Bobby an hour to get me to let you, y-your body, go."
Dean is silent as Sam slowly leans his head down to rest on Dean's collarbone, Dean closes his eyes and wraps his hands gently around Sam's wrists, Sam's hands on Dean's hips.
"When we buried you, it took him a f-full day... to get me to leave your grave."
Sam spoke quietly, softly; as though he thought this were all a dream he'd soon wake from and each word made Dean's chest ache.
"After, I just... couldn't, you know? It took him a week to get me out of bed."
Dean can feel Sam supress a sob, as though Dean's already gone again and Dean runs his hands up Sam's arms to cradle his neck. Dean pulls on him lightly and rests Sam's forehead against his own. He should feel irritated by this obvious chick-flick moment, but he doesn't. All he feels is Sam.
"It took him a month to get me to talk again."
At those words, Sam breaks and a true, heartbreaking sob comes through so hard Dean flinches. And suddenly he understands something perfectly. Something he'd never considered before. He can feel his own tears fall along with his brothers at his new realization.
It may not have had meathooks, torture devices or tainted souls, but Sam went through hell, too.
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