Clearly the week by week update isn't working (sorry) so I will just pile a whole bunch of stuff under subheadings, under the cut. Read what you like. (No photos today.)
The house
The house I am living in is pretty cool. There is a row of exposed carpet tacks in the bathroom doorway that hurt like all hell, but are easy enough to step over when you remember they are there and it's a two storey duplex so the neighbours upstairs are sometimes noisy walking around, but I have no real complaints. The laundry has a big washer and dryer that we share with the upstairs neighbours and we alternate days for using it. It didn't take long to get used to putting everything to the dryer because Canadians don't own clothes lines. They so rarely have the weather for it there's no point. And it's easier using the dryer, I can fit the whole load in there it's so big. So Thursdays are my laundry days.
The roomates
The new housemate's name is Chris. It's such a simple name, I can't believe I forgot it. I'm still not sure what I think of him. He plays video games and he's nice to the dog and takes her for walks, but he's kind of allergic to her, gets her muddy at the beach and then doesn't towel her off so now the futon is all muddy, smokes, and hides dishes in his room. Overall he's a nice enough bloke and the rent is being split three ways now, so again, I have no real complaints. =)
I got it wrong though, he's not a law student, he's just in a lot of Tanya's classes anyway. I think.
Tanya is really nice. She always says hello and cooks us dinner on Wednesdays in return for looking after her dog while she's away on weekends. She usually rents a video too, but the past two weeks she's been too swamped with homework to watch one. So has Jesse, for that matter.
Tishka is the dog, she can sit and shake but is not so good with heel, shush, or stay out of my road please while I am trying to cook. =) I like her anyway.
The job
I am currently volunteering in a library at a private school in Selkirk. (spelling?) Jesse's Aunt Penny works there, so I get big hugs every time I see her. ^_^ I haven't seen her at all this week though. =( The librarian there is Elizabeth and she's pretty nice. All I've done so far is cataloguing but Elizabeth appreciates it because it's not something she gets a lot of time for, especially since she's not just the librarian, she also teaches French.
The work visa
I've applied for my visa, I'll have to start job-hunting as soon as it gets here. Not entirely sure how long it will take. (There should be no reason to deny me, I checked, double checked and triple checked.)
The anniversary
A few weeks ago Jesse and I had our one year anniversary. He took me out for dinner and got me a Winnie the Pooh book. I got him a candle and a book and wrote 101 reasons why I love him on cards and put them in a box. I'm sappy like that.
The Valentine's day
Happy (late) Valentines day everyone! I don't know about everywhere else but it just poured in Victoria, very gloomy. Jesse had to go to the school for the day where his old practicum was =( but when he got back we swapped presents. I got him a science book and a wallet because he needs a new one (but it has to go back because it's too big) and he got me a box of chocolates and a book on how to draw dragons. It is really awesome.
The other events
There hasn't been much exploring of late, Jesse's busy a lot and we're running out of places to go. He did take me to swan lake which is full of, unsurprisingly, birds, and last weekend we went back to Squamish to celebrate his grandma's 70th birthday! It was very cool. We're going back to Squamish again today for reading break, which will last for a week. I am really looking forward to it, because as much as I love Jesse (and it's a whole lot!) I miss the conversation and company of other people. It can get kind of lonely when you only talk to one person on a regular basis and he's busy at school or doing homework most of the time anyway. Poor Jesse really needs this break too, it's my understanding that a normal workload for university is five classes and he's doing eight.
The WoW
WoW is the acronym for World of Warcraft, a very popular online rpg (roll playing game). I play Ashama, a level 27 Tauren (cow) Druid. (Druid? What a shock! =P) I play on the Malfurion server so if there's anyone else who plays a Horde charrie on that server, add me to your friends list and we could quest together sometime.
I think that's about all I can type right now. Hope everyone is well.
Love, Petey xoxo