Reply and I'll give you four fandoms. You then have to make an entry writing about your favorite character from each fandom, and why.
1. MARVEL GENERAL: Oh jeeeeeeeeeeeeez. My favorite character from this fandom of win and fail. HONESTLY, it's a tie between Tony and Deadpool. Tony does what I wish I had the patience and love of math for. Robots, man. I fucking love electronics and just tech in general. I wanted to go to school to be an engineer, but I SUCK AT MATH and I really hate school. He's also my favorite just because of the kind of perseverance he has. I mean, the man has gone through alcoholism, like, twice, lost his business, was even homeless. Of course, he probably wouldn't have come out of that rut alive if Steve hadn't intervened, BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT. The point is, his tenacity about life in general makes me completely jealous.
AND THEN THERE'S DEADPOOL. And really, okay, who doesn't love him because he's hilarious haters to the left. Some of the stuff lately has just been retarded storyline after retarded storyline, but his hilarity seems to come around at the last second to make me laugh. Plus, you know, there's the fact that he's actually a jerk with a heart of gold, and I just love characters like that. I like how, underneath all the 1000 PANCAKES and CHIMICHANGAS, he does actually have an interesting personality. You just have get past all the LOL RANDUM crap first.
2. INGLORIOUS BASTERDS: I'm sure a million people say this, BUT STUPID SEXY NAZIS. Even though he's the ultimate bad guy in contemporary society, Hans Landa has to be my favorite character from that movie. I love intellectual villains (and "INTAMELLECTUAL" villains cough wesker cough), and Hans had it in spades. Of course, he couldn't out-maneuver a man who wanted to cut a swastika into his forehead, but hey, no one's perfect. I found it interesting that Hans seemed to really have no sides (he was planning to kill Herr Fuhrer, after all), and everything he did was because he enjoyed it, it was interesting, or it was just in his best interest. Plus, THAT'S A BINGO, c'mon, that was hilarious.
Stiglitz comes in such a close second, if I didn't find older men more attractive, he would have been first. SO SHALLOW I DON'T CARE.
3. VIDYA GENERAL: argh. WELL I'M GOING TO CHEAT AND GO WITH ENTIRE CASTS. Mass Effect, except, of course, Shepard, because you make them into whoever the hell you want. Pretty much every character (the human party members, not so much, except if you're talking about Zaeed, Kasumi, or Jack) are interesting to look at or just have interesting back stories. I really dig the aliens more than the humans, though. They're way more visually interesting, WELL JACK WAS PRETTY LEFT FIELD, but I digress. Probably my top three favorite characters from the game are Legion (robots who enjoy waxing philosophic and have dry senses of humor? SIGN ME UP.), Joker (ah, Seth Green. You never fail to amuse me), and T.I.M (a dick you just hate to love).
4. HACK/SLASH: VLAD. No competition ever. I love Cassie, but I think I love Vlad more. He's just amazing.