Meme :)

May 01, 2009 19:54

Well, vi el meme en el LJ de youretheartist y me gustó jojojo. Así que se lo he robado :)

-Answer the questions in part 1 (don't look at part 2!)
-Copy and paste the answers in part 1 for the questions in part 2.

Part 1
1: You like dancing? Yep
2: Choose: city, town or countryside. City
3: Name a friend Laia
4: (Yes or no) You like going to the cinema? Yep
5: Name a part of your body eyes
6: (Yes or no) You like fruits? Yes
7: Which one do you like better? Strawberries
8: Name an animal wolf
9: Name another friend Laura
10: You like watching TV? yep
11: Again, name a friend: Marina
12: Choose a number from 20 to 50: 22
13: You like crying? It's not my hobbie
14: You like chocolate? I can't live without it :)
15: (Yes or no) You like laughing? Yeaah
16: Guess what? Yes, name another friend!: Uri
17: You like ice cream?: yeep!
18: Name a friend (yes, again!):Marc
19: Where do you sleep?: in my bed
20: Choose a number from 20 to 150: 102
21: Boy or girl?: Boy
22: Do you shower for pleasure or obligation?: pleasure, of course.
23: You like silver?: yep
24: Name another friend: Jaume
25: Do you say thank you, or thank you very much?: Thank you very much

Part 2
1: Got a boy/girlfriend?: Yep (Not true)
2: Where did you meet him?: City
3: What's the name?: Laia
4: Does he/she kiss you?: Yep (that's true.. but only when we're drunk!)
5: Where?: eyes (well.. not exactly there)
6: Really?: Yes (no)
7: How does he/she taste?: Strawberries (really?)
8: How does he/she kiss?: wolf (hum...)
9: But who kisses better?: Laura (I don't know xD)
10: You go out at night?: yep
11: Who with?: Marina
12: How many times did he/she kiss you?: 22 (not so many)
13: Regretting it?: it's not my hobbie (...)
14: Would you tell him/her?: I can't live without it :) (?¿)
15: Is he/she pretty?: Yeaah
16: But not prettier than...: Uri (well, it's different xD)
17: Did you do something naughty yesterday?: yeep! (not true)
18: Who with?: Marc (yeah yeah.. but that was a long time ago)
19: Where?: in my bed (not true)
20: How many times?: 102 (dude!)
21: Your baby's on the way and it's gonna be a...: Boy (yeaaah!)
22: Why did you do it?: pleasure, of course. (yep yep.. I was drunk...)
23: Really?: yep
24: Who else have you been with?: Jaume (not true! only friends!)
25: Congratulations!:Thank you very much

Estrés de últimos días, semanas para ser exactos. Examenes finales. Miedo. Terror. Luego Sele. Más miedo. Más terror. Oh, sí, dame más.
Pero bueno, en cierta manera me motiva que sean ya los finales, eso es bueno. Pero por alguna razón la información no entra en mi mente, eso es malo. Algo habrá que hacer.
Agh. Quiero que se termine YA. Quiero empezar la uni y filología inglesa (L). Pero antes quiero vacaciones :)

real life, meme

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