aid \STAYD\, adjective:
Steady or sedate in character; sober; composed; regular; not
wild, volatile, or fanciful.
After the founders have left or died, after the excitement
has moved elsewhere along with the best employees, after
the company's products and logo and image have grown
synonymous with staid and predictable.
--Michael S. Malone, [1]Infinite Loop
His mother being, in fact, a rather staid English country
lady of mild habits and genteel aspirations.
--Lesley Hazleton, [2]Driving To Detroit
He took no interest in artistic pursuits, and in time
became a staid businessman like his father -- a bank
manager; in fact, utterly middle class.
--Patrick McGilligan, [3]Fritz Lang: The Nature of the
Staid is from obsolete staid, past participle of stay.
Synonyms: composed, grave, sedate, steady.