Hmm weird, it should have let you move onto the next photos. The code moving to the next photos is all server side so what browser you're using shouldn't affect anything. Although looking at the times, I was updating the server at roughly a similar time so the page may simply have gone down because of me. Ooops!
You're right as well in that the colour options are quite limited but the exercise is partly to try to get a feel for what's the best match to photos in general photos to a narrow set of colours.
Anyway there's been a good response already and we pretty much have the data we need now. Thanks a lot for being willing to give it a go though, it's really appreciated :)
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You're right as well in that the colour options are quite limited but the exercise is partly to try to get a feel for what's the best match to photos in general photos to a narrow set of colours.
Anyway there's been a good response already and we pretty much have the data we need now. Thanks a lot for being willing to give it a go though, it's really appreciated :)
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