Dec 02, 2009 00:05
15:18 @ fuggirls Rupert E. denied having any work done in a recent interview. Sad. He was always so dashing! # 15:22 @ fuggirls Trying to find that interview via @ohnotheydidnt. It's an interesting read, to be sure! # 15:25 @ fuggirls Here ya go! # 16:08 Not gonna lie. I COVET Alice's wardrobe in New Moon. COVET, I tell you! # 22:15 Lots of stuff to do tomorrow! I should probably go to bed soon... # 22:32 There is a cat in my house that isn't supposed to be in here. Buster is not a good cat wrangler. # 22:46 @ mongstradamus NO MOAR PETS EVAR # 22:47 @ britt_27 It's a cat I know that I feed, because I'm a total sucker. It ran in when I took Buster outside. Now it's hiding. Stupid cat. # 22:49 Okay. Time to find the cat I don't like, put it outside, and get to bed. 9am @ my new job. Appts all afternoon. #Automatically shipped by