Yay for Amatuer Writing. :D

Nov 25, 2003 15:31

I bring to you, the people of my LJ, one of my little story snippet things. Just random pieces of writing from something stemming from the depths of my mind. The subject matter of this one: Sci-Fi.

And now, I bring just this shitty little story thing. Who knows. I might actually finish it one day.

Cure for the Itch

The doors widened with a pneumatic hiss, breaking the barrier between the corridor outside and the dead laboratory.

Floodlights shone as the three bulky shapes stayed outside the dark lab, scanning the area. The lights glistened off of steel tools and the plexiglass screens of various monitors. The only other lights in the chamber had come from several stasis capsules, casting a sickly, pale blue glow not even reaching out 3 feet beyond the glass.

"It looks all clear. Every deck we've been on in this damned ghostship is dead. There's no activity," said one of the bulky shapes, breaking the silence over the commlinks.

One of the other helmetted heads bobbed, acknowledging the remark before stepping into the room with several loud clunks of the heavy boots as they contacted the floor. The floodlight waved around again with the movement of the combat rifle, stopping on the dead form of a scientist. The figure shuffled to the corpse, prodding it with the muzzle of the rifle before turning the body over.

"Jesus Christ... Another?" rang another voice over the comm.

"Looks like it. Fuck. No signs of death. Just like the other four," came the reply as the suit further in the room turned to face the other two. "We've got the data box from Navigation, and the Captain's logs from the briefing room. Let's search this fucking lab, see if we can't find anything more, and then head back home."

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