Feb 17, 2005 23:24
No. I don't feel like saying anything even though I could say alot.
Feb 14, 2005 22:54
Horrendous is officially my new favourite word. Also notice how I spelled favourite with an ou.
Jan 31, 2005 04:46
My first all nighter on a school night. I'm past the point of tiredness, my bodies awake again.
Jan 31, 2005 02:18
It's 2:18 AM. It's Monday January 31. I'm supposed to wake up at 5:30 today. I can't think anymore. I'm still not done. I'm going to die.
Jan 25, 2005 19:40
I have commenced my super spree. I am learning the drums, learning to skate board, learning to be a sound techy, getting better at waterpolo, and soaking up as much knowledge as I can get. I am like a sponge, I'm loving it.