Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.
cumaeansibyl gave me: Scotch, bad movies, fangirling, Allen house, hug monstering
Scotch: I had scotch for the first time when I was 16, or maybe 15. I can't remember, but I know it was in winter. Bez introduced me - he'd sometimes bring home a new bottle after work. We'd sit on the back porch and drink, comparing notes on the scotch, our days, and items of interest in the newspaper. Now that I'm "of age" and often spend my evenings hanging out with
mackensen, it's my liquor of choice.
bad movies: This is another area where I was influenced by Bez. Many of the movies we watched together when I was in high school came from the cult, independent, and foreign film sections of the video store... or from Bez's collection of favorites from when he was my age. They weren't all bad movies, but often they were weird, or boring, or made no sense, or had horrid special effects. And we would joke about it and it was fun. (When I came back from B-Fest this year I asked Bez if he had ever seen
The Tingler, and he wrote back, "YES!! SEEN IT MANY TIMES!!! IT SUCKS AND I LOVE IT!!!")
fangirling: I am a fangirl. I've never been particularly active in fandom, but yes, I am very much a fangirl. It's a state of mind. It's having big "You're #1" foam hands to wear while rooting for your favorite characters/'ships/shows/whatever. Unfortunately, I'm just as much of fangirl for my real life, sometimes prompting me to develop interpretations that I like to think of as fanon, but a more sane person might call delusions.
Allen house: I lived in the Allen house for 5 trimesters of K. I was one of the few to live there under both the Fletcher and Scott landlord regimes. I played more Dnd there than anywhere else. I got my first kiss there. I had a big room and a private bathroom with an enormous claw-foot bathtub. I knew I wouldn't live anywhere else as nice for a long time and so far that's been true.
hug monstering: Yay, hugs! Sometimes
anythingplease and I will play a game called "hug fight" where you stand at opposite ends of an aisle (in a store, or church, or wherever) and run at each other, and hugging when you meet in the middle. Okay, so it's not much of a fight. But it's not about fighting, it's about hugging. Duh.