Come at me, bro!

Jun 17, 2011 00:35

Comment with "Come at me, bro," and:
- I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better.
- Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
- Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.

I was asked five marvellous questions by bluestocking79; you will find them and their accompanying answers ( Read more... )

m.a., meme, general love, general awesome, jane austen

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Comments 2

netzgeek June 17 2011, 13:25:52 UTC
Come at me, bro!


silburygirl June 22 2011, 00:17:07 UTC
Questions are difficult!

1) In a perfect world, what would your job entail?
2) Who is your favourite fictional character of all time and why?
3) What is the most amazing cosmetic product you have ever encountered? (I ask for purely selfish reasons of wanting to know for myself.)
4) Would you ever actually drink a meatshake? If so, what kind of meatshake? (I'm fighting my gag reflex, just so you know.)
5) What is your favourite childhood memory?


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