Ok, I know I promised to update 2 days ago, but I've been so crazy that this is the first chance I've gotten. Plus, there's lots more that's happened, so I'll try to get it all in now. (To see this history behind this saga, start
After work I rushed over to the Fairgrounds to check out the Youth Bldg (where SCA Midwinter is held every year). Nice place, lots of room, full kitchen, option to serve alcohol, $2,000. ouch.
Then to the Lobo Theater, currently inhabited by the church The City on a Hill. I spoke w/ Pastor Dave, who seemed pretty cool. Told him what it's about. No problem. Told him dancing. No problem. Told him what kind of music. No flinching, no problem. They apparently really want it to be used as a community space.
Anyway, it has a sound system, new screen and digital projector. They've built a bigger stage, cleaned, repainted, replaced the carpet, reupholstered the chairs, cleared out a couple chair rows to make space in front of the stage, and turned the lobby into something that looks much like a coffee shop (w/ a _nice_ espresso machine). The only christian iconography I saw was a piece of textile art w/ a cross, and it wasn't overly prominent.
Best part is that they only charge costs, no fees. So charges to use the facility are for the sound/projection person per hour, and cleaning costs. Which means... it should only be a few hundred dollars. And since this is our reception venue, we can cover most/all of that out of wedding money. My matron of honor (LL) said 'it so doesn't suck,' to which I had to agree.
After that, I dragged my friend to see RAM, but we had to wait through Creepshow. They have potential, but need a better venue/sound production. RAM rocked. After that, I went home and was getting ready for bed when I figured "hm... I'll just check my mail really quick." _So_ glad I did.
I heard back from DJ Rexx Arkana, the man behind Bruderschaft, after mailing him just the day before. He said he was interested and willing to find a band for us. He said he'd put in a good word w/ Ronan from VNV, but suggested that we consider Icon of Coil as they'd be easier & cheaper to get. He even volunteered to get them for us (he is a promoter & works w/ them in the US). I screamed. Alot. Then I called G. and screamed more. After I calmed down to tell him, I hunted down the RAM boys to tell them. Then I went to a party that had more people I knew & screamed some more. So, I love IOC, can you tell?
So, an unproductive day of wedding dress shopping w/ LL and lots of fatigue from the previous night's excitement.
Went w/
pvck and my mom to the Lobo to look around, and especially to get pvck to check out the sound system & layout. General agreement that it will work fine. pvck's assessment of the sound system, 'wow!
Then went dress shopping again w/ my mom. Found a dress. First one I tried on. In the color I really wanted but thought it'd be impossible to find. And even found some shoes. It's horribly non-traditional, but gorgeous & looks _really_ good on me. yay!
Responded to DJ Rexx confirming that IOC was just fine by us (woohoo!) and giving date & venue info.
Heard back from Rexx again, he's contacted IOC about the event & will get back to us.
Bad news: We didn't get either of the houses we put rental applications in on, due to some weird brain fart on the landlords' parts.
Contacted woman from Cancer Research & Treatment Center (CRTC) to follow-up w/ previous conversation last fall.
Heard back from CRTC contact & they're interested. Will be meeting others on Thursday to discuss.
G. looked at another house today, is filling out an application and will put a partial deposit down to help guarantee us the place.
So, the upshot of all of this is that:
1. we should have a venue for the wedding/reception/show, just need to reserve dates
2. we have DJ Rexx
3. we might have IOC, arranged by DJ Rexx
4. we probably have CRTC as the benefit focus for the show
5. I have a wedding outfit
6. we might have a place to live in Dallas.
How's that for an exciting few days?