Return of DVD sale!

Jun 29, 2011 21:24

Blah blah blah, last month, I catalogued my DVDs. Then I decided I had too many. Now I'm selling them to you ( Read more... )

consumer whore, pimping

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Comments 16

flareupwithlove June 30 2011, 04:43:06 UTC
Can I call tentative dibs on BSG S3 and Gargoyles? I may think better of this in the morning, but right now I want them.


silensy June 30 2011, 04:44:10 UTC
Tentative dibs are yours.


flareupwithlove July 1 2011, 20:56:36 UTC
Okay, we're a go for launch. We can even do the exchange during Comic-Con if you don't want to hassle with postage, etc, etc.


silensy July 1 2011, 20:57:21 UTC
Comic-Con exchange it is! No shipping, no paypal, no fuss!


moonlight69 June 30 2011, 04:53:35 UTC
Okay, okay, I want Orli's signature.


silensy June 30 2011, 04:55:35 UTC


unholynotions June 30 2011, 05:05:23 UTC is my great shame that I do not own Neverending Story in anything other than you know, book format.


silensy June 30 2011, 05:09:04 UTC
And with this one, you get TWO movies. (Okay, so maybe the second is more like punishment.)


unholynotions June 30 2011, 05:11:05 UTC
The second is the second half of the book iirc. Strike through for me, bb. Gods know I don't /need/ to see Artax die again, but I haven't seen it since I was a kid so maybe I won't be a weepy wibbly mess this time.

That is such a lie and everyone knows it.


silensy June 30 2011, 05:49:52 UTC


archangeloz June 30 2011, 05:30:59 UTC
First of all, I think it's cool to see you doing this again. I'm in the process of digitizing the ones I want, and then I'm going to do the same thing. Secondly, I think it's amazing (minus the manga) how many of the same things we have. Thirdly, we've never talked about Battlestar Galactica.

Hope all's well, talk to you again soon.


silensy June 30 2011, 17:51:10 UTC
I used the Memento app on my phone to do the categorization. It syncs up to Google Docs so it was pretty easy. (I have an Android.)

I miss yoooou.


resplendissante June 30 2011, 14:39:50 UTC
Is it possible for me to claim Cowboy Bebop season 1? I caught a few fansubs WAY back in the day and loved it (and loved the music), but back then anime was my entire month's allowance for one VHS tape, so I definitely feel you on the price decreases.


silensy June 30 2011, 15:56:03 UTC
Yes, however, that's "session" 1, not season. It's only the first few episodes because anime distributors hate their fans and don't believe in entire season packs.


silensy June 30 2011, 17:49:56 UTC
Follow up: It's this one. If that changes your mind, it's all good.


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