I haven't been around much lately, either. Life is keeping me busy and fandom just sucks. (You know something weird is going on when your real life is better than your fantasy life. ;) )
I'm still struggling a lot with my feelings about this. I'm devastated, impressed and angry in circles, trying to make some sense of it, but at the same time being to numb to deal with it properly yet... and I really should be sleeping instead. Fuck! Fuckety Fuck!
One one hand, I really want to curl up in a ball, turn on some super emo music, and sob. On the other hand, I think her decision was very brave and good for her for not sticking around when she was getting a message, intentional or otherwise, from the negotiations that she was somehow less valued/wanted/needed. Both hands want to give TPTB the finger.
I'm in the boat of not wanting to watch anymore - the show has been on a sad decline in recent years and this is the last straw, for me. Watching House/Cuddy/sometimes Wilson interact was what drew me in every week, and without Lisa there, I no longer give Steve McQueen's ass.
Comments 30
In a completely unrelated aside, it's good to see you around! We usually seem to miss each other. :)
I haven't been around much lately, either. Life is keeping me busy and fandom just sucks. (You know something weird is going on when your real life is better than your fantasy life. ;) )
You have such a way with words. That's pretty much how I feel about the situation, too.
I'm in the boat of not wanting to watch anymore - the show has been on a sad decline in recent years and this is the last straw, for me. Watching House/Cuddy/sometimes Wilson interact was what drew me in every week, and without Lisa there, I no longer give Steve McQueen's ass.
I so identify with your hands right now.
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