which scare me..
[+] being alone when i die
[+] being fat forever
[+] you
which i don't understand..
[+] boys
[+] my emotions
[+] algebra
which i'd like to learn..
[+] how to make scarves
[+] spell
[+] be a better person
that i am wearing right now..
[+] cut up apples shirt
[+] jeans
[+] black bra
that are on my desk..
[+] my phone
[+] pictures
[+] chocolate
i want to do before i die..
[+] make someone happy
[+] be skinny
[+] fall in love
that are a part of my heritage..
[+] being dumb [philipino]
[+] dark hair
[+] being short
things i like about my body..
[+] my hair [sometimes]
[+] my wrist
[+] nothing
things i don't like about my bod..
[+] my small boobs
[+] my fat arms
[+] my fat
things most people don't know about me..
[+] i want to be corrupted
[+] im not paying attention
[+] i'm afraid to love
things i say the most..
[+] uh ok
[+] fuck you
[+] sure
places i want to go..
[+] paris
[+] england
[+] anywhere but here
that I go by..
[+] sharon
[+] hey you
[+] that one girl
screen names I have used
[+] electricmydear
[+] drowninthisnow
[+] ronnierocksyou