Tonight = more fireworks, tonight was better everyone went to Pat's house, my best friend Bough was there, and KELLY the birthday girl herself :], and Jessica Claire Kevin Shawn etc. etc. tons of people were there I hadn't seen since like school ended, nice nice. Now I plan on watching Thirteen and waking up at 6:00 to go lift weights, my favorite
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urgh, tonight i saw fireworks with jessica and kelly currier, they weren't as fun as the ones from last week, but not much could ever top that. At least I got a really big bright yellow sign that says "super sale".
I hate writing depressing entries but oh well, this one is going to be just that. So obviously my problem is that I get too attached to boys and i'm 100% sure that's what scares them off..I have some big protective shield around me that says 'danger, stay away', it's really sad actually because as hard as I try I can't fix it. Then I get in my
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1. basketball 6:30-8:30 2. help with little kids camp <3 3. pizza at nero's with cristin, kass, robs, britt, tay and kat, and coach k 4. sleep 5. movies - - > longest yard (again) with kass robs britt tay and cristin. amazing best time ever. 6. Packing for Minnesotaaaaaaa!