[Name:]Jeff Cesta
[Nicknames:]nicknames eh...'half dollar' :)
[Screen name:] skinnylikejared
[Birthday:] july 19th
[Color] Blue, Pink
[Number] 2? cause..it's more than 1
[Animal] dogs..without a doubt
[Flower] flower...power..
[Drinks] slurpees, jones soda, sierra mist
[Fruit] haha as if i eat fruit
[Book] haven't read in forever
=DO YOU...=
[Color your hair?] never have..never will...i like my pretty brown hair
[Twirl your hair?] constantly? obviously not.
[Drink/Smoke?] I'm Clean bizatch, and i'm remaining clean
[Like cleaning?] no body in the world actually likes cleaning...not even maids..
[Write in cursive or print?] printster
[Swear a lot?] depends on my mood...i can
[Gotten a speeding ticket?] cause i definetely drive
[Been in a wreck?] by wreck, i think you mean train wreck...good assumption if i say so myself, and no no i have not been in a train wreck
[Been arrested?] haha i was in a school drug demonstration thingy
[Been in a fist fight?] me and zack like to try and kill each other when we're mad?.....we bleed..and blackout :-p zack
[Stolen anything?] i took my friends gatorade the other day?
[Held a gun?] yeah...not very smart...me with a gun..i shot a light..
[Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name?] cant stand alchol..
[Cheated on someone?] Never
[Been married?] ooooh many times...
[Cried over a girl?] i've gotten teary eye...but its been a little while
[Cried over a boy?] oh definetely...god no
[Lied to someone?] im a pro.
[Been in love?] without a doubt..
[Fallen for your best friend?] Yup
[Made out with JUST a friend?] nope...thats retarted
[Been rejected?] Yes i have
[Used someone?] Never
[Been cheated on?] Yes
[Been kissed?] haha nope :-p, yeah
[Current mood] really good...really cold
[Current music] Finch-She Burns
[Current taste] Sour
[Current hair] long, curly, and definetely not done.
[Current smell] Zach's hoodie
[Current thing I ought to be doing] oh theres so many...as if im ever gonna do em
[Current things open] ummm seven eleven? stores that close after 6:30? my dogs mouth...open.....things
[Current desktop picture] Cujo
[Current crush] don't crush
[Current favorite celeb] Heather Graham
[First best friend] Neil Struble
[First real date] i don't consider them dates...just nights out with the best people
[First real kiss] Kayla
[First real break-up] Jaclyn Lazuka :-p
[First screen name] Wings702
[First self purchased album] Backstreet Boys-Black and Blue..still got that bugger
[First pets] My goldfish!!!!!, i had like two billion, they kept dieing
[First piercing/tattoo] dont have one, never ever getting one
[First credit card] haha a fake visa my sister gave me
[First big trip] Las Vegas.
[First musician/band you remember hearing in your house] What? i dont know, like whitney houston probably
[Last car ride] My ride home from Brendans
[Last kiss] Rachel at the park
[Last good cry] been about a month
[Last library book checked out] hahaha i have no idea.
[Last movie seen] at the theatre? that stupid bruce willis and matthew perry one, obviously wasnt very appealing
[Last beverage drank] Had some of brendans coke..
[Last food consumed] had a bite of brendans baffo
[Last phone call] Nicole..
[Last shoes worn] my like billion year olds addidas
[Last item bought] zach's baffo
[Last disappointment] getting hit in the face by zack
[Last time scolded] constantly
[Last shirt worn] some light blue shirt, and zachs hoodie
[Last website visited] this one