Title: Playing Aeroplane
Pairing: Maru/Ryo
Rating: G
Notes: Calendar drabble prompt from
alissa for
this picture. And now to work on the next one~
Maru has to take a step forward when a weight bangs into his back and catches him off guard, making him stumble. He twists his head around to get a look at whoever is behind him. The body latches onto his back, pressing close and enveloping him in warmth and confidently trapping him, not that Maru minds.
“Ryo-chan?” He sees the flash of a pink hoodie and messy, short black hair and quickly relaxes.
Ryo grins widely up at him, his eyes lazy but bright and playful.
“Someones in a good mood,” Maru almost sings, thoroughly enjoying himself. Maru loves seeing his bandmates happy. It makes his stomach flip flop and his heart swell. He sometimes thinks that there is honestly nothing better than seeing them full of joy.
“Well look where we are, what's to be miserable about?” Ryo drawls, hiding his face away in the back of Maru's neck.
Maru can practically feel Ryo buzzing with excitement and it only makes his mood sky-rocket more so. He rocks back into Ryo's hold and hums contentedly before smiling cheekily, “Hold on.”
Ryo immediately puts his arms over Maru's shoulders without question, ready for whatever he has in mind.
Maru bends forward, lifting Ryo off the floor, before shuffling round the room with as much speed as he can with Ryo balancing on his back precariously.
Maru holds onto the smaller mans wrists and nearly topples over forwards completely as Ryo's weight becomes unbalanced.
“Be careful,” Ryo tries to complain as he smothers a laugh into Maru's hair. His heart leaping into his throat as he nearly becomes acquainted face first with the floor.
Maru swings him around one last time before straightening back up and lowering Ryo back to the floor.
Ryo keeps his arms around Maru's shoulders and hugs tightly, “How do you do that?”
“What?” Maru answers, resting his chin on Ryo's crossed arms.
“Manage to make me feel even better when I'm already on top of the world.” Maru smiles and feels his face warm as Ryo chuckles, poking a finger into one of his dimples.
Really though, Maru thinks it's pretty much the other way around. Because nothing makes him more happy than Kanjani8.