I just might do it!!!

Nov 25, 2005 03:18

I am thinking bout moving to antoher state and see more people and new stuff and i might do that soon i will save up money and get my license and go i need to get away from this fucking place it blow's ass!!! Just some backstabbers i hate being with some people i have been with!!!! WOOO WEEE I WANNA GO TO E3 NEXT YEAR! ANYONE WANNA GO, IT WOULD BE

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Comments 8

mslone November 25 2005, 14:46:29 UTC
are you talking about me??? because I tried to call you last night about the whole Zac thing and no one answered so I thought you were mad at me, so I didn't try to bug you.


silentdaddy November 25 2005, 17:56:35 UTC


aoshi55 November 25 2005, 20:49:18 UTC
Lee, your going bye-bye. Now I'm sad. Who's been stabing you in the back? I'll go find them and KICK em in the NUTS! Then I'll beat with my Bo Staff. After there laying on the ground, you can do like an elbow drop to them. Well teach them a lesson.
By the way, whats E3?
Well I'll talk to you later.



silentdaddy November 25 2005, 23:09:36 UTC
it is a gaming industy!!!!!!! i cant say who is backstabbing me man but it will be iight thanks though man!


weed_dizzle November 26 2005, 03:58:30 UTC
WWWHHHAAATTT??!! i might be moving to california, florida, south carolina sometime next year, but i dunno...i know whos be talking behind your back...it was me all along lee. im sorry :p just kidding wit-cha i think that you should go find them and throw em in traffic and then just laugh at them while your doing it, lol!! take it easy man
and much luv!!


silentdaddy November 26 2005, 04:00:52 UTC
LOL i should man!


spudmcwhacky November 27 2005, 06:16:13 UTC
take me with you!


silentdaddy November 27 2005, 07:32:05 UTC
i will


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