youre prolly not interested..

Nov 01, 2005 13:00

*its my journal ill bitch if i want*
im at school. gay. first period brittany and i had to walk to the fucking flc bc thats where our class is now. hooray for that(complete saarcasm). actually it wasnt that bad brittany larry lyle and i all hung out and just talked fooled around and shit all period bc seasack left us which was sweet and we also went to see mr macdonald i love him he was such a cool teacher we had fun in that class with trixie lyle moo moo lol and eveyrone else..blahh then 2nd period we just had girl talks hah then lyle and anthony came in and we all chilled. by c block my fucking day went down everything just got fucked up and my day sucks now prolly my whole week. it really depresses me. everything was going great. last wk was so much fun. the past few wks actually have been lots of fun. yesterday was so kickass and the beginning of today was cool.. i hate nosy fucks. not just that i hate ppl who try to tell you what to do or try to criticize you. im friends with whoever i want. also no matter what i do its my decision ITS MY LIFE. if im fucking it up well you know what its MY problem. it bothers me what some of my friends do at times bc i care about them and i worry. but im no one to criticize and i cant tell them what to do. and i hate it how some ppl lately have been trying to run my life..whatever. i guess im just blowing off steam.
i love james. i really do. i wish things were like they used to be i miss him i know that hes still there for me and he showed it to me today but idk.. im a bitch.. i wanted to be left alone. and chance sometimes i forget how much hes been there for me in the past and he always is. i just dont realize it. am i blind? that i dont see when my real friends are there trying to help me offering me help showing me that they britt(my momma hah) every single time i get myself into a mess. shes the one there afterwards always bailing me out. "i got myself into shit again" shes prolly sick to hear those words but she never leaves me and i never really appreciatte her for that. even tho i know that most ppl wouldnt do what she does or has done to help me in the past 3 yrs and i love her for that but i never show it.. i guess what im getting at is i am one of those ppl that sometimes forgets to realize who their 'true' friends are. the ones that actually have helped i do realize. i just never actually show them how much i apreciate it and how much i love them and i care about them as much as they care about me..idk. everything is just really fucked up.
i cant wait till school gets out which is in a few min. lil brittany and i are prolly hanging out. the 'cheer up consuelo time' ha right.. idk we might go to richards, that would actually make me feel a lil better. i love richard and all of them theyre alot of fun..blah ok.... i miss my best friend =(
consuelo shuts up now. bye<3
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