Thu, 13:56: RT @ JewelStaite: My kid likes to take my hair and gently drag it under his nose while maintaining eye contact with me. He's the cutest lil…
Wed, 12:48: RT @ Evan_McMullin: Trump's campaign knew of Moscow's interference on his behalf at least as early as June 3rd, yet he's been
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Sat, 17:38: RT @ kylegriffin1: Three companies have filed liens against the Trump International Hotel in DC, saying they're owed millions.…
Sat, 17:39: RT @ ELEMENTARYStaff: Nelsan Ellis will always be a treasured member of the Elementary family. Our hearts & prayers are w/his loved ones on…
Fri, 17:49: RT @ repjohnlewis: 56 years ago today I was released from Parchman Penitentiary after being arrested in Jackson, MS for using a "white" rest…
Thu, 14:20: RT @ chucktodd: A trashing of the American press corps and Intel community in Eastern Europe of all places. Could Putin have asked for any…
Tue, 18:33: RT @ ChrisEvans: Happy 4th of July everyone! I'm proud to be an American! Be safe and have fun today! (also thanks for all the Cap bday wish…
Tue, 18:34: RT @ joss: Just got called a "mega cuck" in my replies and NICE TRY, the correct term is cucknado
Fri, 17:55: RT @ JoeNBC: Yet another lie. I have texts from your top aides and phone records. Also, those records show I haven't spoken with you in many…