Title: Morning After
Fandom: Silent Hill (2 specifically)
Characters/Pairing: James/Mary
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 159
Status: One-shot/drabble with 59 extra words
Warnings: None
He hasn’t lain like this next to her in years, dirty white light filtering through dirty white curtains and spilling over dirty white flesh. He used to listen to her sleep, to her breathe, her chest rising and falling
It’s not rising now, just
fell, and the pillow did too, fell away from that pretty face. She didn’t struggle, just touched his wrist and her whole body stiffened and her hand fell away.
He lay there for an hour for a day for a week, he isn’t sure, lay there like he used to with her head on his chest waiting for that wispy breath to touch his skin but it never did.
Maybe her germs would crawl out of her flesh and into his and into his and into his lungs and his eyes and his brain and eat eat away until he coughed like her and his eyes fell out and he