'I would buy you a monkey. Haven't you always wanted a monkey?'
This I stole from
dreambastion. So there.
Name -- Monica
Current location -- Texas
Nicknames - Mon, Moni
Sex -- Female
Eye color -- Brown
Hair color - Drk. Brown w/ red highlights
Height -- 5'7" ish
Zodiac sign -- Gemini
Status -- Single
Financially secure? - ha ha ha
Occupation - ehh...
Describing Me...
My hair - Middle of back
My weakness - depends on situation
My fears - staying here and rotting away
One thing I would like to achieve - moving away
My personality traits - Loyal, caring, moody
What Is...
My most over used phrase - fuh-ken helll, or Huh?
The first thing I notice in the opposite sex - Eyes, smile, hands
My best physical feature - smile
My greatest accomplishment - ... not yet
My good luck charm - my blue cat eye ring
The color of my bedroom carpet -- tan
I Prefer...
Pepsi or Coke -- Coke
Sprite or 7 Up -- Sprite
McDonald´s or Burger King -- McDonald´s
Adidas or Nike -- Nike
Chocolate or Vanilla -- Vanilla
Coffee or Tea -- Tea
Cappuccino or Frapuccino -- Cappuccino
Boxers or Briefs - Boxers
Pants or Shorts -- Pants
Dr. Pepper or Dr. Whatever - Really prefer Diet Dr. Pepper to either one, but if there is no diet then none...
Computer or Television -- Both
Rain or Sun -- Depends
Spring or Winter -- Spring
Summer or Fall -- Fall
Guys or Girls -- Guys
Quiet or Loud -- Quiet
Glasses or Contacts -- Contacts
Cake or Pie -- Cake
Silver or Gold -- Silver
Mud or Jelly -- Mud
Am I...
Gothic -- Not anymore
Loud -- Sometimes
Quiet -- Most of the time
Obnoxious - I can be
Stupid - don't think so
Smart - I try to be
Lost -- sometimes
Depressed -- Sometimes
Serious - To a fault
Funny - yeah
Cool - now if I say yes than that really wouldn't be cool huh?
Fidgety - yeah
Self conscious - Most of the time
Ugly - depends on if it is muggy or not
Pretty - sometimes
Antisocial -- sometimes
Paranoid -- sometimes
Popular - nah... never really cared
Stressed - Most of the time
Lonely -- yeah
Do I...
Smoke - sometimes - when stressed
Do drugs -- nope
Swear - *@**^$ yeah
Sing - yes, even when asked not too :-P
Like life -- sometimes
Believe in angels -- Yes
Like to sing - yup
Like to run -- only for a reason
Have any siblings - 3, 1sister and 2brothers, all older than me
Have any kids -- No
Want kids -- No
Like swimming - a must do in TX
Wish I could fly -- as in go out the door and up up and away? yeah. in a plane? HELL NO.
Call my significant other - er, there is none :-(
Believe in myself -- Sometimes
Have any tattoos? - 1 on my ankle, and another in the works
Have any piercing? - 2 in each ear, and possibly 3 more
Think I'm a health freak - not really, but trying to be
Take a shower everyday -- every day yes. i live in TX
Color my hair -- no, because it never turns out the color Red I want it to be
Own a web camera -- No
Own a digital camera -- No
Ever get off of this computer - yes
Quack - *cheeep*
Moo - *grrrr*
Have an accent -- I don't think so, but everyone here sounds the same to me so... yeah probably.
Go to church -- Sometimes
Have any pets - 3dogs, 2cats, used to have fish but they died and I used to have a peacock but the coyotes got to it.
Sleep with stuffed animals - nope
Think men and women can be friends without wanting each other -- No. Watch 'When Harry Met Sally'. and see my past relationships...
Have my license -- Yeah
Have a Journal -- Obviously
Like porn - depends on what media it is in and how it is done.
Suck my thumb -- no
Believe in aliens -- to quote one of my fav. tv shows before it started to suck ' The truth is out there.'
Cry a lot -- ummm.... see
nipmuc1stgig for that one.
Like watching sad movies -- sometimes
Like watching funny movies -- sho' nuff
Like camping -- never done it
Have I Ever...
Been in love -- almost
Gotten beat up -- no
Shoplifted -- not intentionally
Changed who I was to fit in -- once in Jr. High
Ever lied to someone - yes
Ever been in a fist fight -- no
Ever been arrested -- mwwwaaaahhhhaaahaahhaa. the joys of having a sister in the PD and cousins who are cops.
Fallen for my best friend -- well at the time he was my best friend so yeah.
Made out with just a friend -- yup
Been rejected -- yes
Been in lust -- yes
Used someone -- yes
Been used -- yes
Done something I regret - sadly yes...
Ever cry over someone of the opposite sex -- yes
Done ballet -- nope
Danced around naked -- yes
Ran into a wall - hahaha yes! and a pole, and a car, and a ...
Jumped around for absolutely no reason -- does there really need to be a reason?
Broken a bone -- no, fractured some
Thing to do - Read and listen to music
Television show - QAF, Sex and the City... I don't really watch a whole lotta tv anymore
Movie - Goonies, When Harry Met Sally, Moulin Rouge, Almost Famous, LotR, Willow, That Thing You Do, Willy Wonka...
Drink - Water or unsweetened tea
Music artist - too many to list
Animal -- cat
Number -- 22
Color - Purple and silver (YAY!)
Holiday -- this year(2002) none, but well see what happens next year(2003 that is).
Season -- Spring
Celebrity - alive-Sandra Bullock, dead- Audrey Hepburn
Pie - pecan because there is no fruit!
Sport - Basketball
Breakfast food - Cheerios (plain, no added nut/honey/frosty crap)
Juice - Apple
Ice cream - Natural Vanilla Bean, Cookies N Cream
Brand of gum - Winterfresh
Board game - Monopoly
Sound - Rain, music, ocean
Smell - Vanilla, rain, eucalyptus