Strong Babies: A Rookies Ficathon!

Dec 20, 2015 20:55

Welcome to Strong Babies: A Rookies Ficathon!

What is the Rookies Ficathon?
A ficathon is basically a writing challenge where you post your own prompts and fill others' prompts by replying to the original comment with the prompt. Note: This challenge is only for groups that have debuted in the years 2014-2015, hence making it a rookies ficathon! The only requirement for your prompt is that it must include at least one member and/or group that has debuted within the years 2014 and 2015.

How do I prompt?
It's simple. You post a comment with your prompt in the following format: characters/ship - prompt (song lyrics, pictures, quotes, anything really) - canon/au/either. If AU, specification would be nice, but it's not exactly required. Giving writers the freedom to write as they please is always nice!

How many prompts can I post?
There is no limit on how many times you can prompt while this is going on, but it will be limited to three per day. Each prompt should be a separate comment.

It is recommended that you fill prompts as well, but if you feel uncomfortable in doing so and would simply like to post a prompt, that is always welcomed as well! Although, this is a no-judging zone so although you feel uncomfortable, it'd be nice to see you try! Don't feel discouraged by other people's writing and simply give it a go!

How do I respond to a prompt?
Respond by posting your fic as a reply to the original prompt. There is no restriction in terms of word count, style, etc.

In your comment title box, title your fics with: Title - Ship - Universe.

IMPORTANT: if your fic is rated R, then format your comment title box this way:

Title - Ship - Universe - [R]

AND place your fic beneath a spoiler tag.

fic here

What if someone has already filled a prompt that I want to write for?
Go ahead and write it! There is no limit to the number of fics that can be written about one prompt.

However, if you see a sad lonely prompt with no fics, consider trying your hand at that one :)

Do I need a livejournal account to participate?
No! I have turned off IP logging and have allowed anyone to comment so you may prompt/fill prompts on anonymous if you wish to! The more people that participate, the better!

How long do I have to respond?
I plan on keeping this open until February 20, 2015 so you have plenty of time!

Spread the word about this ficathon and most importantly, have fun!

Info post adapted from this ficathon.


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