Temp was a little higher than I wanted so I filled the tub the bucket is in with 3-4 inches of water, wrapped atowel around the bucket that hangs into the water, and positioned a fan to blow across the whole setup. Cheap A/C. Got the temp down a bit for the alst few days till Fall weather hit.
Added last of Fermaid and DAP since the must has hit 1/3 sugar break. Stirred it up good one last time, and covered it with the lid and an airlock.
SG = 1.078
Temp = 72.8°F
SG = 1.064
Temp = 72.5°F
SG = 1.032
Temp = 67.5°F
Temp is closer to where I wanted it all along, but too little too late I think. It's chilly out at night now, so the ground level temp gets down lower, and keeps the must colder. Opening it to lightly stir there was no heavy foaming like before, but just a healthy fizzing. I'm estimating I'm up to around 12% ABV at this point. Tasting gives a upfront alcohol hotness, I'm guessing what they refer to as 'esthery', most likely from the fast ferment at higher temps. This should age out. After the hotness is the ever present yeast taste, followed by a pleasant if not slightly cloying sweet aftertaste. The last 20 points of fermentation should mellow out the sweet, and 6 months plus of aging should dull the alcohol burn.
Got 3 pounds of frozen raspberries for secondary ferment.