A real update, eh? ... Well, you asked for it.
You are fumbling with the keys in your pocket, trying to retrieve them, and are so preoccupied you don't notice until you're almost right at your door - there's a brilliant redhead leaning against next to it. "You're late," she said. You look at her confused for a moment, before responding; "yea, a bit later than usual, I suppose?"
"Whatever. Just open the door." Something tells you you shouldn't argue with her, so you open the door and head in. It's a small, cramped room, just like any other dorm room; she somehow knows which half is yours and plunks herself down on the bed. She seems to have been waiting patiently for your attention after you finish dumping your backpack, jacket, keys, and so on in their places, and she's certainly not going to be leaving anytime soon. She's just watching you, all sultry-like.
"So, what...?" you trail off in midsentence as she slowly begins raising her legs up; together, perfectly straight; she might as well be starting a flip for the olympics. Suddenly, when they're fully upright, she snaps them wide open.
"Fuck me," she says to you, in a rather urgent whisper.
You just stand there, stupidly, and stare, somewhat entranced, but somewhat horrified.
Maybe? I wouldn't know how you'd actually react, inside that skull of yours. But regardless, you don't lay so much as a finger on this female, and she is soon satisfied in knowing that you won't so much as twitch. She snaps her legs together, snaps them down, lands standing on the ground with a very solid "thump," perhaps too close to you for comfort. She slaps you once, twice, on either side of the face.
"You're all the same."
She then walks out the door, and is gone.
Yea, so I'm not entirely sure where the rest of this entry is going. I know I want to balance out my journal, in a number of ways; first, of course, being that I've just had so many damned fluffy entries recently, but another thing that I noticed as I was looking back through stuff -- almost all of the 'real' posts I've had recently have been about gay marriage. I'm not entirely sure why; possibly because I'm obsessed with the idea of love in general, and it's an easily broached subject when I start going off on one of my little "everyone should love!" sillinesses... I mean, it's not particularly more relevant to me than any of the other big political issues at the moment. Abortion? I see absolutely no reason abortions shouldn't be allowed. If you're ideologically opposed to them, then have your own damn baby. I agree that it's probably approaching infanticide at the later stages, but seriously, like, when the thing is still an 'embryo,' not even a fetus, how can you possibly argue that that's cold-blooded murder? I bet you've squished bugs that have more life in them than that clump of cells.
Illegal immigrants? I see absolutely no reason that they should be illegal in the first place, much less why we should be so harsh to them. I mean, Bush can go on and on about how we can be a lawful society and still be proud of our immigrant heritage... but... I just don't see it. Acknowledge that the reason you're terrified of letting too many Asians and Latinos into the US is because you're scared that the white dominance will crumble, and then I'll give you that as a reason. But seriously. It's not like we have the world's most awesome welfare or social security system and therefore we'll lose so much money if a bunch of extra people enter the system; Denmark might be able to use that as an excuse. We can't. [How much longer is social security good for? I don't think my generation's going to be getting any, even though we still have to pay for it, last I heard.] Oh, darn, look, immigrants are taking all the jobs that we think we're too good for! Darn! Someone else is wiping my ass for me! And scrubbing my floor! Hmm, but I don't want to pay him much for it -- I mean, he doesn't have a college degree. I wonder who I could find willing to do such shitty work for so little money? Ah-ha!
Someone has to do it, right? *eyes roll* The "illegal immigrants" I've met are some of the hardest-working people I've ever seen. Because money really means something to them; they're really helping out their families, maybe it means that his son will have the chance to actually go to school, a chance that he never had. You know? The like. I really don't think we have the right to close our borders to anyone. I certainly don't think putting up huge walls and sending down a bunch of extra military patrols is the best way to answer the question, "how well are we going to work together with the rest of the world in this new milennium?
Had a somewhat interesting conversation with mAtt today about society in general; not really any new news, just a reminder of stuff that I've been hearing for years -- about life on other worlds? How, if any society were to reach intragalactic [or even intergalactic ::shrug::] travel, they'd have to be pretty much united... how, it seems, both society and technology much evolve together -- as our technology becomes more powerful [and therefore more dangerous], society has to 'evolve' to catch up, in the form of bigger groups of people banding together. So you get tribes, then bigger collections, like feudal groups or whatever, and so on to today's nation-states. And we've begun the next step, with groups like the EU, but also, perhaps more importantly? The UN. If we ever give it a chance. *shakes head* The theory goes that, the reason this happens is because, if it doesn't, the technology is too powerful for the groups to continue to survive, unless they can cooperate as bigger groups [also technology making said cohesion easier, perhaps, but that's not necessary for the theory]. Because one idiot with a nuke can kill a heck of a lot of people. So the one idiot has to be 'checked' by everyone else.
Each threshold is harder to pass. Probably, uniting everyone in the species is the hardest, the one most likely for a species to stumble through.
Scary, huh? I dunno how scary it necessarily can be, if you can see it coming, and know that something can be done about it. It's just a question of whether Hitler or Gandhi is the one taking the reins.
I know those two really shouldn't be in the same sentence. Sorry, Gandhi... I love you, really.
Although, more than Gandhi, probably, the person I look up to the most? Einstein. Oh, Einstein. So much, much more than a physics brain. You've probably heard he was offered the presidency of Israel when it was first formed. I... don't really know how to do him justice. I just think everyone reading this [well, everyone, really, but only people reading this will actually get the message anyway, so might as well address it only to you folk ^^] should at the least go look up some Einstein quotes or something. <3
Hmmm... what other random issues can I spew about? Oh, women. I can probably just go on and on and on about the issues facing women. I've been considering doing my honors work in Feminist Studies, just because there's so much I'm interested in in the field. There's one sort of "canonical" work [as much as anything's canonical in Fem Studies yet] that has the dedication, "To the new women - and the new men." Because I mean, face it, everyone has to change. One of the things often pointed out to me when I get into one of my fem rage modes is that, while a lot of expectations have loosened on women, a lot of things haven't changed for men, because nobody's trying to point at y'all and go "look! They need more rights!" Because you're already on the top of the food chain. But, I mean... I dunno, one of the best examples was that women can now wear either skirts or pants, while men can still only wear pants. I mean, it's not an exceedingly pungent example, because... yea. Like, women having the option to be stay-at-home moms, or career women? People laugh at a stay-at-home dad. Now, that's a really screwed-up example, too, because... yea. I mean, it's still not really a choice. But I won't get into that. I could pick at the details for forever. I mean, there's a long way to go, yes, for women, I guess the point here was we can't actually improve much for women until we cut the guys some breaks, too. Perhaps the easiest to make the point of, if not really the most... ...eh, is proposing. It's still, basically, men propose, women don't. And I don't really know how to go more into detail on that other than just throwing it out there. It's a big burden, proposing? But at the same time, it makes women feel powerless, for it to just feel so wrong to ask themselves, to have to wait for whenever he feels like it? Eh, I dunno. I just saw the author of I Do, but I Don't speak [a new book, came out towards the beginning of the month, I think], so that's probably fueling some of that particular example. I can't explain it nearly as well as she did. I think she talks about it in the first couple chapters of her book, though, if you're really all that interested, which I doubt :P
I guess the biggest thing that really upsets me, and therefore I'm really interested in, on this topic in particular, is the fact that, whenever you wander into the "fem studies" section of a bookstore, a very good chunk of the books, especially the more recent ones, are a bunch of women writing about how they used to be überrage feminists, and then got married and expected to be on equal terms, etc, etc, and gradually realized that that wasn't actually making them happy, slowly realizing that they actually want to just do nothing but live to make their husbands and kids happy, make good meatloaf etc, etc... it just makes me sad. And, frankly, terrified.
Yea. I'm going to wrap this up now, because I made the mistake of getting on AIM, and it's suddenly more than an hour later.