MEME is Cruise Control for LJ

Dec 17, 2006 01:06

So, it's been awhile since I've done a MEME. Thank you, Yui, for stealing a MEME from someone and posting it, causing me to post this. So here you are, a musical glimpse into The World of Organisms. Or not.

Put your music player on shuffle.
Press forward for each question.
Use the song title as the answer to the question.
No cheating! (This is really funny and often quite true).
Repost this as what your music says about you.

What does next year have in store for me?
Bloom, Cherry Blossoms - An Azumanga song. All Azumanga songs will use their english name.

What's my love life like?
Doggy Dog II - Yes, I'm lower than a damn dog when it comes to love. C'est la vie.

What do I say when life gets hard?
The Sky is an Excellent Paradise - An Azumanga song. It's a Tomo song, so it's not particularly good.

What do I think when I get up in the morning?
The Real Man - From Cowboy Bebop. Er.. dunno how that fits.

What song will I dance to at my wedding?
Rivalry - A song by Figurines. It's a tad fitting, since the song talks 'bout a forced rivalry he doesn't want, and then there's an overly long 3 minute instrumental part at the end I always skip. Exactly how I imagine marriage.

What do you want as a career?
Little Drop of Poison - A GREAT Tom Waits song. Guess that means I'm gonna be a politician after all :E

Your favourite saying?
Jayne's Blue Wish - A Tom Waits song. I actually know little of this song, I haven't listened to it too much yet.

Your pet's name?
LIVE in Baghdad - Cowboy Bebop song. I could see me naming a fish this. Or a pet rock, 'cause this song totally RAWKS.

Favourite place?
Carmelita - Warren Zevon song. Seeing how it's a song 'bout a heroin addict, I think this doesn't apply. Damn good song, though.

Describe your sexlife:
What Do You Mean? - Another Azumanga song. One of their pleasant, incidental background songs. The title is apt, but not the song.

What do you think of your parents?
Meteor - A cruddy Cowboy Bebop song. It seems to just be background sounds stretched out for an eternity. It may describe one of my parents, but I actually get along very well with my father.

What's your Pornstar name?

Where would you go on a first date?
It's a Holiday Tomorrow! - Azumanga song. When I think of this song, I think of a well-maintained park with an idle pond on a warm sunny day. So I suppose it fits.

Drug of choice?
Time Pavement - Heh. This is an Azumanga Character song, sung by Osaka. I'll have what she's having.

Describe yourself:
Gluck Das Mir Verblieb - I think the name of the opera this is from is Die Tote Standt. It's performed by Anton Dermota & The Austrian State Radio Orchestra, and I got it from The Big Lebowski Soundtrack. Beautiful song, but I have no idea what they're saying. At least they got the no idea what it's saying part right :P

What is the thing I like doing most?
Black Coffee - Cowboy Bebop song. Yes, coffee is wonderful. My holiday order should be arriving any day now.

What song best describes my school principal?
Team Idiot (Team Knuckleheads) - I actually had no contact with the HS Principal. So I have no idea if this is applicable or not. The school administration itself was not very well organized, though.

What is my state of mind like at the moment?
Osaka Talks to Her Heart's Content - Obviously, Azumanga. This is what my mind is like ALL the time.

How will I die?
We'll Meet Again - I don't have the artist name, but it's the song from the end of Dr. Strangelove. Very cool.
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