Sims 3 Archiving - The Fortress

Dec 21, 2011 15:35

The Fortress

Mara here is the head honcho at the Fortress - and yes, her hair really is that color.

The Fortress and the sims that follow are all the creation of a friend and her friends at a certain RP board. This 3D representation in Sims3 form is just for the fun of it.

Here's Lynn! Athletic, health-conscious, and prone to being a little blunt.

Reddel. He looks utterly adorable in action, but when still his nose looks to big. ******.

Dusty. I really, really lucked out - and **** did he turn out handsome.

Anyways, on to the fortress itself.

Meet the ground floor. Upon trying to install the stairs, I discovered my reference did not have the stairs attach to anything except outer wall. After a few attempts, I stumbled across this layout which I really like - it gives a nice pathway through the middle. That white dot in the back is a very ugly tablecloth.

And now here's the second floor. Ignore the bit on the left, that's the first floor. To accomodate the stairs though, Reddel's room ended up shrinking - sorry! But everyone else's is absurdly huge . . .

And here's the attic. To accomodate the new layout, the stairs lead up to two doors - one goes into the arsenal on the right, and on the left to a storage room. You need to go through the storage room to reach Mara's room at the bottom. Hers is the most ridiculously oversized room of them all! Yay!

sims 3, the fortress, archive

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