
Jul 13, 2004 10:58

So I just got back from camp on Friday. I miss it so much already, all my friends are there and I miss them so much. Besides Demi and Jen and all my 9th grade friends I think I have better friends at camp then I do at school. At school I'm just kind of there. To listen in on gossip after it happens. At camp I'm actually there to see it happen. ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

i'm sorry gamecock736 August 9 2004, 04:16:37 UTC
Your right. i have bashed your city way too much i knbow you must love it like i love columbia sc. i here my dad bash it every second because he has to drive so far to work and he hates his job so does my mom. one reason we moved into nc was to get my brother instate tuition to unc but he went to usouth carolina instead. My dream is to be a kayaking instructor. and this city is doing nothing to help that. ya the whole whitewater park i'll be 16 and able to drive 4and a half hours when that comes. my old school was really outdoorsey and pds is so academic and become important members of society opriented. I don't want to be rich! i just want to go to an outdoor leadership college and go work at the nantahala outdoor center and teach kayaking sometimes i might be broke and sleep in my car well whatever who cares. whatever i'm sorry


gamecock736 August 12 2004, 20:47:26 UTC


xinny_boy November 17 2004, 16:23:04 UTC
ha, your lj name is what i use for aim. how interesting.


lack_innocence January 2 2006, 01:28:53 UTC
update your imaginary livejournal biatch!
and youll see me next year!! yay..
and you talk to me alot too...


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